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  1. You're Canadian. Canadians can't be perma-banned because they're so polite. Now, say you're sorry.
  2. It would actually be pretty easy, given a list of Player ID's (or a database, etc.) to query the stats page and auto-compile a report, if that's what needs to be done. Let me know if you need some info on that. On the point of rules, having citizens yelling at cops because they don't know rules is, well, a part of America. I agree about the TS thing, but clarifying rules in game and with RP seems like... real life. If a cop doesn't know the rules, either they aren't learning them properly or they aren't being taught or conveyed properly. Now having a civilian interfere in a police radio channel is a different matter and should be illegal =)
  3. Good luck Spectral - have a safe trip and kick some ass, Sea Bass!
  4. Damn! They totally should've kept it IMO. They had it first!
  5. Suggestion: make a clan named Seal Team Six and take 'em out. Side note: I do tend to agree that it's a bit nauseating at best. However, I just think of Archer every time I see "ISIS" and it makes me giggle.
  6. Doesn't work at all for me =(
  7. When your bargain suicide vest goes squirrely and sends you to Allah a little too early... R&R!

  8. Also, if you're currently in the process of reviving someone or repairing your car and you look at the map you will not see any markers. Just wait until you're done with the action and you'll see them again.
  9. That might have something to do with your disdain for impounding ATV's, sir. I've recommended to the higher-ups that you attend Vehicular Diversity Training to rid you of your vehiclist ways! =P
  10. It's sad that entire families can be torn apart by such simple things, like a pack of wild dogs.

    1. Deathtripper


      A dingo stole my baby

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