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Milk Bubbles

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Everything posted by Milk Bubbles

  1. Recently I have been feeling uninspired when it comes to Arma3. It's hard to make arma videos and altis life is starting to feel repetitive again. Whenever I feel like this I stop playing on the server for a few months. So if that's the case I'll see you in 2022. I started working a job recently and I've found that I prefer playing other games on my days off, arma feels more like a chore (only playing for house upkeep and medic hours). I kinda put all my eggs in one basket with this kidney thieves idea, but nobody wants to revamp kidneys, so they will never be profitable unless they are abused . You guys gave me content and a whole bunch of fun. Thanks for that! I'm going to try and keep playing for the sake of my position as Search & Rescue but I'm not sure how long I'll keep going. Love you guys! see ya around.
  2. Hey whattup I'm the founder of Kidney Thieves. I'm 20 and I've been playing on Olympus (on and off) since 2017. If I take your kidney in Kav don't get offended. I treat people with respect (most of the time). I don't report people or ask for comp, I like to take in new players, and I don't treat Altis Life that seriously at all. At the end of the day this is just a game so I treat it like one. Because of this you will commonly find me at the casino with an empty bank account or on medic grinding for roulette money. I'm also known to just drop my entire kit to a naked for no reason. I normally don't pay comp because I normally don't break the rules unless its on a weird technicality. Yes I'm a medic! Who knows how long I'll stay a medic , but for now I'm an Advanced Paramedic. I tend to let the other medics take Kavala because I enjoy flying, besides picking up guys who are out in the middle of nowhere is more satisfying (not for your bank account tho) I revive people based on how long they have waited, so if you see me run past you I'm getting someone nearby that has been dead for longer than you, wait your turn! (normally happens in kavala) I'm back playing on server 1. If you see me try and do something funny and you might end up in a video! You could also ask me for gear if I'm in kavala. I own 3 houses in a compound, some filled with gear specifically to give away. Love you guys, <33 See you in-game!
  3. Look I think I have some extra say in this seeing how my name is Milk Bubbles... If you move water from a plastic jug into a pitcher it's still water. Same shit w/ milk. Let me bring another controversial question to the mix: Is it normal to drink straight milk? No cereal, just a glass of milk. If the answer is yes why do I get stared at by everyone when I order a glass of milk at Dennys??? DO THEY THINK IM A CHILD WHY DID IT COME IN A KIDS CUP??
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