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Posts posted by destruct

  1. Have one of you donated enough to make a TeamSpeak channel? Maybe I would suggest squashing the confusion of playing the numbers game (on the APD side) and just hop into a TeamSpeak gang channel when you're doing a federal event so that they can count how many people you have and keep stuff fair. You don't HAVE to do this of course, just an idea.

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  2. 38 minutes ago, MarveL said:

    wait so now if people run into your frit or jump into it we can get out and kill them ? been banned for this multiple times. thanks for clearing it up i been passing up on alot of spangle kills recently cause i thought id be banned


    1 hour ago, destruct said:

    This GIF is an example of that rule being broken.


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  3. Alright, so,

    If you run someone over with a vehicle and spangle them, (in conquest or otherwise), it is against the rules for you or someone associated to you to kill them - you need to give them ample space and time in order for them to recover and have a fair fight. If they start shooting at you right away after being un-spangled, so be it, shoot back. Just don't be the first one to shoot.

    This GIF is an example of that rule being broken.


    Staff uses common sense and rationalizes all reports based on evidence, someone's ban history, etc. If a situation seems scuffed, we will not ban. The "administrative action" on a report can be a warning in someone's forum PMs. We try to also see the report from the offender's point of view and try to interpret what happened as well.

    Just a quick edit: If you feel your report was denied inappropriately for any reason, please make a new ticket and request the "higher-up" to that person, for example, the higher-up to a Moderator is an Admin, the higher-up to an Admin is a Senior Admin, the higher-up to a Senior Admin is the Head Admin, so forth and so on.

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  4. People be acting like they're going to titan your jet out of the air. They won't be able to chase you or anything, literally the only time they'd catch you would be during landings and take-offs, and during those it's not like you can just pit a jet, you get in front of a plane while it's moving with a vehicle (w/o going faster with the jet ofc), and it blows up, you're gonna have to find some comp money. Just make sure to look around before you spawn your jet in, and then scout the area in the jet before you land.

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  5. Hello folks, just a quick rule update having to do with the server's upcoming November update (ETA 6, 7 or 8), and clearing up a specific gray area. APD Handbook update pending. That's it!


    Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing

    1. A player may be taken hostage for 15 minutes, after which they may choose to stay up to another 15 minutes or leave.
    2. Do not kill players in restraints
      1. You cannot restrain someone outside of a redzone and then bring them into a redzone just to kill them. This is also FailRP.
      2. Exception: You may kill players that do not follow reasonable demands (For example, "be quiet or die" is acceptable, but playing "simon says" or asking for the alphabet backwards is not.)
    3. After a hostage situation/robbery the player must be unrestrained and released in a safe manner and also either within 1 kilometer of a garage or 1 kilometer from their point of restraint.
      1. Player must also be healed/not limping
    4. If you rob a player you may not hold them for ransom and vice versa.
    5. You may not take the same person hostage more then once every 30 minutes.
      1. Exception: If that person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action towards you after taking them hostage and before the 30 minutes is up, then you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD.
    6. APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules.
      1. Exception: APD members playing the role of hostage negotiator may not be taken hostage before/during hostage negotiations.
    7. Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased at Federal Reserves, Blackwater, Jail, Pharmaceutical, Bank, or APD Escort events.
      1. Exception: APD members neutralized at Federal Reserve or Blackwater events that put their hands up by their own volition may be restrained and escorted throughout the federal event area, however, they may not be robbed.

    Chapter 17: Jail/Federal Reserve/APD Escort Rules

    1. Federal Reserve
      1. The Fed reserve is considered a legal area until it is being robbed, once a robbery begins the Fed then turns into a red zone. (Location is shown on map)
      2. Any vehicles left at the Fed after the robbery is over may be seized by the APD.
      3. Any vehicles which were involved in the Fed robbery and have been followed out of the Fed may be seized if/when caught.
      4. This means APD must have had a constant view of the fleeing vehicle(s) from the Fed to the seizure spot.
      5. All other server rules still apply such as APD Wave rules, NLR, ect.
    2. Jail
      1. While the jail is not being broke into it is considered a legal area (Location is shown on map)
      2. Once a break-out begins the jail becomes an illegal zone.
      3. NLR rules apply to the jail zone.
      4. Vigilantes and APD can repair the jail doors.
      5. Killing jail inmates is still against the rules.
      6. If the jail doors are broken and a player is being processed then the processor must go to the jail to make the proper repairs so they can place the wanted player into the jail.
      7. This means the 15 minute APD processing rule does not start until the repair is done.
      8. The jailer must go directly to the jail to make the repairs and may not stray off to do other things.
      9. APD and Vigilantes can use the jail transport to send players to jail if the doors are not broken.
      10. If 5 or less APD members are online during a jail break then APD are NOT required to follow the wave rules as outlined in the APD Master Handbook.
      11. APD must still follow the lethal rules before using them.
      12. Once 6 or more APD members are online they must then abide by the wave rule once again.
    3. Jail Breakouts
      1. Any vehicle left at the jail after the situation is neutralized may be seized.
      2. Any vehicles which were involved in the Jail Breakout and have been followed out of the Jail may be seized if/when caught
      3. This means APD must have had a constant view of the fleeing vehicle(s) from the Jail to the seizure spot
      4. APD can attempt to repair the doors while the breakout is active.
      5. Jailing w/out ticket
      6. If an APD member witnesses a player blatantly breaking server rules they may send that player directly to jail. Only patrol Officers+ can send people directly to jail for rule breaking.
      7. If unsure as if a rule was broken or it is a small infraction then process as normal.
      8. If the APD member sends someone directly to jail and they should not have they may face administrative action.
    4. APD Escorts
      1. The APD escort motorcade is considered KOS, no RP is required by civilians in order to interact with the APD escort event.
      2. Any civilian interacting/interfering/seen participating with the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD, no RP is required.
        1. Example: Blocking the road in front of the APD escort event motorcade, trying to pit police escort vehicles off of the road, etc.
      3. APD vehicles associated with the APD escort event must use emergency lights, no sirens required.
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  6. 26 minutes ago, Dank MeeMoo said:

    If shots are landing near you and you believe you a being shot at (not anybody right next time you) then you may return fire. However what you can not do is shoot at someone’s feet and depending on how they react you kill them. Only the person who gets shot at may return fire, even if they start shooting the player who fired the warning shots they can still not return fire as the engagement was never actually valid.


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  7. 2 hours ago, Vigi easy money said:

    on your comment on getting rid of the electoral collage I believe is a bad decision because that would make it so the larger states will only decide the elections well the smaller states won't matter in the election.

    Bruh do you know how electoral colleges work? Larger states are still the ones that matter A LOT with electoral colleges. Electoral colleges are given out to states respective of the states' population, because the amount of electoral votes a state has is made up of the amount of senators a state has (every state has 2) and the amount of representatives a state has (every state has atleast 1, and then it's based on population) Ex) Florida has 24 electoral votes and Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. Once a presedential election goes down, each state's electoral colleges votes for either president (hopefully based on their constituent's votes), and then in most states, whoever got the majority of electoral votes in that state gets ALL of the electoral votes. Say, Florida's electoral votes go like this: 13 for Candidate A and 11 for Candidate B. Candidate A would receive all 24 electoral votes. After that, first Candidate to 270 electoral votes wins.

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