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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by doubleueyeceekay

  1. two things cant be the worst of the same measure, otherwise they'd not be the worst
  2. So this just happened an hour ago and I am still shaking. I’m a staff in public accounting and was in the middle of a 3-hour training on Zoom. Usually when we have these types of calls I just keep the video running in the background and I walk around the room doing things to pass the time and distract myself from the monotone presenters. Well today I forgot that I left the camera on (I usually always have it off but earlier today I had a call with the partner to discuss my upcoming promotion, so I had to have it on). I had no clue I had left the camera on and in the middle of walking around and muttering to myself as I was zoning out, I flipped it out and started to rub one out. I did so with complete confidence, openly and ferociously, stroking faster and faster until I heard the presenter stop and kindly asked me to turn my camera off. Mortified, I lifted my pants up and rushed over to turn the camera off. Soon after the training was over I had a call with HR and they let me know that I was being terminated. I hated the job anyway so not so bummed about that, but I’m not sure what to say in interviews now if I’m asked why I left this job. Any advice?
  3. usually end up fighting the cops as wpl since whenever you try to organise a pardon you get fucked off or ignored so they only take notice of you when your bounty is high then get pumped by them
  4. 4c 2.5m ono i wont accept sexual favours
  5. PC got seized by the cops again?
  6. @ Xlax sold you can lock the thread
  7. you were involved in the plot we deliberately spared you due to your assistance brother
  8. theres one on realtor still lads
  9. price? that would start my oil phase
  10. I have been informed that this is not permitted. I have of course never done this and would not recommend you do it, no matter how infinitesimally small the chances you'll ever be caught, let alone punished for it are.
  11. I am requesting 4m for the house, but there's a bit of wiggle room with the amount as I'm funding a reign of terror against the APD
  12. i offer 1m sold please lock the thread @ Mighty
  13. I am fencing off my gravia 4c today also, it's in a prime location for everything. It's directly down the slip road from Athira! You can come in to the house HOT! You can land even huge helis on it ADDED BONUS... YOU CAN ACCESS THE BUILDING FROM NEXT DOOR IF YOU ARE WANTED OR HAVE ANY HOT PRODUCTS (GUNS, TASERS, ETC.) It's a reasonable distance from both airfield and vigi and legal and illegal runs! Perfect for running to radioactive pro, and to drug dealer!
  14. @@@@@@@ SOLD @@@@@@@ Sold to an anonymous buyer for 2,800,000
  15. selling the unique 3c north of silver pro LOOKIN FOR 3m screenshot taken in a tdm event
  16. You can get lots of down votes if you call people’s montages shit
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