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Everything posted by Capez

  1. Gimmmeeeee
  2. Who the fuck even plays PUBG anymore?
  3. Capez

    Selling Gear

    ill buy the 3 spars and 5 MXs
  4. Capez

    Selling Gear

    ill buy the 3 spars and 5 MX. You on now?
  5. Capez

    Selling Gear

    I’ll buy the 3 spars. How much for each mx?
  6. Capez

    Selling Gear

  7. Capez

    Selling Gear

    Ill take all the regular spars
  8. Capez

    Selling Gear

    How much for the spars
  9. So I haven’t played Arma in like 4 months. I decided to start playing again and wanted to become medic again so I put in an application, but it has yet to get a reply. Whenever I used to put in application they usually got a reply with in at least 24 hours. It’s been almost 2 days and was just curious if they changed the way they reply to applications.
  10. 6
  11. Nope sorry
  12. SOLD
  13. https://gyazo.com/e907470d23c92e90bb31d5da95b19c51 Got a DP 25 4 crater on server 2
  14. Bump
  15. Was looking for around 6mil
  16. https://gyazo.com/e907470d23c92e90bb31d5da95b19c51
  17. bump
  18. Message me some offers
  19. https://gyazo.com/54949d1203cd5811f8a34d6497e39ce6 Post or message me some offers
  20. Capez

    WTS DP 14 garage

  21. Bump
  22. Bump
  23. Capez

    WTS DP 14 garage

  24. Capez

    WTS DP 14 garage

    Server 2
  25. Sorry server 2
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