PM or offer below with offers , DP22 ( No Upgrades ) DP24 ( No Upgrades ) Abdera ( Only the 2 crater is fully upgraded , other one has no upgrades )
PM or comment if interested ( offer me a price)
1 Small House (2 crater) --> Fully upgraded
1 Big House (3 crater) --> No upgrades
1 Large house (4 crater) --> Fully upgraded
1 Garage
All of them are in Abdera itself . All are fully upgraded .
I will provide Screenshots if needed.
DP 23 : 2 crater
DP 22 : 3 crater
Best places for running moonshine .
U can buy them both and store ingredients in the 3 crater and store shine in the 2 crater ... easy money
Taking offers for each or both .. Pm or comment
2 crater 800 m away from pro
I would keep it if we do mush but we don't :'(
offer below
highest bid takes it
(I wanna sell it quickly so ill accept some low offers but not very low)
Selling @Pledge 's whole gearset , got it a while ago but I had a hard time pulling it out of the house since the sAPD camps us 24/7
Pm offers or comment here