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Sir Klutch

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About Sir Klutch

  • Birthday July 23

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Steel Battalion Gaming
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    New Jersey
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  1. @ lesbian against antarctica no cap?
  3. So your suggestion includes playing Arma 3 without headphones. Nice! Hear that everyone? Olympus will now be a no volume community that is a great idea! Thanks Nokia! Oh wait no one could hear me cause their headphones were off...
  4. I think something might have been lost in the translation for you. It's hard to do that when my ears are already fucking bleeding. Thanks for trying dou...
  5. Exactly! But @destruct's post is everything if not clear that the intention is to ban everyone who has. Unless they plan on standing at their computers for hours upon hours this is not going to happen. Henceforth my suggestion to shut the servers down a revert to a wipe before the hacked cash was introduced.
  6. Thank you. This is what I was looking for, and I think that this is what the community is looking for. @MAV I would request that you make a post, or with the other admins, that makes it easier for the community to see this, rather than being buried in the bottom of this thread. I also appreciate your note about the VPN's and I would love to sit down and discuss what is being done, such as closing PPTP and L2TP tunnels, which is the most obvious and probably suggested fix but, I would love to have an update as to what is being done.
  7. I agree. My reason for this post is a lack of communication from the admins not a lack of action. If action is being make let us know. My point. - and tickets *edit*
  8. I think you might want to read the post I made once more. I know about fucking VPNs. There are also ways to combat this. Would love to discuss further in PM or ts or something. Glad we've come to a consensus.
  9. I'm lost on how this is any better than shutting the server down. In shutting the servers down the hacker no longer has the ability, yet it be enjoyment of ruining the experiences of hundreds of players. I would rather shut the servers down and not allow the hacker to get any enjoyment from tossing the admins around like they are his bitches than let him continue.
  10. With my limited experience in cyber-security I would appreciate a post stating that the admins have done this. If an IP ban isn't working let us know. If they are using a program that makes it appear as if they have no player ID let me know! I've dealt with this before and I think the community could be a useful resource. THE ADMINS SHOULDN'T BE ALONE! Let us help you @admins.
  11. this ^^^^ As I said I don't give a fuck if the hacker wants this. I would like to turn my fucking froggies into processed froggies and until I can do that without being earraped, blown up or given 2 gazillion dollars so none of this matters, I think it should be shut down. Kid can you read? Look at the post. Yes, this is what I'm doing. But when little Timmy decides "Oh no I'm going to buy 30 shikras and crash them into Kav square" no. This is not enjoyable gameplay and if the admins want to track each individual person down that did this go ahead. But I think my solution is more painless for them and us. AND CAN SOMEONE READ THE BOTTOM LINES OF MY POST OR DID YOU ALL GET TOO LAZY? Propose your own solutions all-ready!
  12. Counter-productive? I don't see how. @KGB JOSH I don't want to make it seem like you aren't suffering through this too, but I think one problem might be two different perspectives (that being a player v.s. staff role). If I'm wrong and you are dealing with these problems I think my point still stands regardless. My point is why should I be subject to ear-rape, unlimited suicide vest attacks and 9/11 reenactments in Kavala square during this period? My point is, and this is the same point I made in my post, is that it would relieve a lot of stress of the admins if a rollback were to occur to before these problems happened, that is after the hacker is dealt with. And if this is the case, why should the server be open if everything is going to be roll-backed anyways? If would save the community a lot of time and stress if the servers were shut down. I'm sorry but tracking the 4 million I'm making from frog among the 2 billion in my bank account is hard and I'm not going to be subject to a ban because of this. Shut down the server, find a solution and then return to a save before any of these problems happened and *poof* and instead of focusing on the support requests admins can focus on fixing the server. But until a plan is presented admins are buried in these tickets because people like @Wizard, no offense man, think that the solution to this is *create a ticket* "oops no longer my problem let the admins fix it now." I'm sorry but no. Find a solution to put this hacker at bay and the admins can return to a save file from before all this bullshit instead of being buried in tickets. But hey if they want to be buried in tickets I guess it's not out problems as community members right? No.
  13. You know I just deleted a paragraph in my post about this out but this shouldn't be skipped over. I recently read @Pwnda's post and he got a lot of shit for suggesting this, and guaranteed this was before the hacker instances and was for a completely different reason, but it still poses as a possibility given the situation. See my last paragraphs for my views on this.
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