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About Alex4545

  • Birthday 12/26/1995

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
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  • Location
    Country: United States State: Mississippi

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Depends on your opinion of strange and normal. Personally, I would say that makes you a bit different seeing as the average person in today's world listens to rap, country music, or classic rock. At least that's what is normal where I am from (the deep south (United States)). But... As a former violinist of 9 years, former trumpet player of 7 years, and current guitar player of 7 years, I must say that I love Sinatra, the rat pack, jazz, ragtime, classical music, and folk music from around the world. Also, strange can be a positive thing. If a person was not at least somewhat strange or different, I would say that the particular person in question is not interesting or perhaps not worth my time. Of course there are other variables to consider when referring to how one may view another person in terms of value and interest. TL;DR : That makes you kinda strange
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