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Everything posted by McBear

  1. If you have a best buy nearby they usually have displays out, try them out. I personally use a Mamba TE Chroma
  2. You're not the only special snowflake that has reported someone, there are a lot of players and reports. They'll get to it. OS doesn't get paid here people have lives and jobs outside of gaming.
  3. Flight stick or bust. Love my sidewinder force feedback 2.
  4. McBear

    Pc Upgrade

    Need to upgrade your cpu and 8 more gigs of ram at least and the 1060 3gb prob falls a bit short. I have ryzen 7 2700x. 16gb ddr4 3200mhz and gtx 1060 6gb and I get 60-70 normally. Dips to 50 during kavala square shenanigans. I'm waiting to see what the 1180/ti is looking like next month, otherwise I'm getting a 1080ti rog strix. Keep in mind, if you're going Intel. Ryzens am4 socket will be around for at least another 2 years, Intel will be changing again next generation. That's what swayed me to the 2700x instead of the 8700k.
  5. My brothers and sisters! The annual summer steam sale is upon us once again. What doth have on thine wish list that could interest ye.
  6. Rotor tapping only makes you immobile after you crash and burn hitting the ground XD
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