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Chester hairs

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About Chester hairs

  • Birthday 11/12/1992

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I came to Arma 3 from Gmod Dark RP cause I thought there wouldless minge. Boy was that wrong. Its actually easier to get away with mingey shit in Arma 3 :/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SPBojo


      This is a light RP server meaning 90% of peoples view upon roleplay is "hands or be shot" or simply pressing a button as cop. As far as being new on olympus, yeah, it sucks, alot. There's so many gangs around that outnumber you at nearly all times which makes for a cancer situation. If i were you id do runs in small vehicles, play with friends / join a gang, always carry a gun and sorry to tell you but if your a hardcore rp'r you came to the wrong place. Pm me if you got any Q's and il happily answer them.

    3. Alex Philipson

      Alex Philipson

      were you the guy me and my friend caught at iron and told him to never do that plebeian work again then let him go?

    4. Chester hairs
  2. I thought vig's were gone
  3. Lets see how the people feel
  4. Here to kick ass, and take names. :hmm:

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