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Everything posted by Brennan

  1. Although high tier donators had a significant advantage at wipe and the 20% discount saves them a lot of money. When it comes down to actual gameplay, like drug runs, robbing or gun fighting, the perks they have don't affect you.
  2. I happen to like potatoes!

  3. You don't "code" in trees or shrines... There is a map editor for that, so I would ask Jendrak
  4. no.... Looked it up and I LOLd
  5. Maybe restrained persons should have the option to go change his/her stance when restrained (but not being escorted) Edit: I have been thinking about it, and if a person is retrained by hand cuffs in real life, the only thing preventing them from running is the hold of the officer. Maybe being restrained should mean that you can't draw any weapons, but could still move and change stance, unless being escorted by an officer.
  6. Happy Birthday.

  7. Well I just got sent straight to jail because a cop decided to handle a restrained suspect in the middle of the road, and I "blatantly VDMd him"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brennan


      I have been having trouble with my recording software (OBS). I'll definatly be looking into a fix or alternative before I start playing again.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      McDili, Does that mean you're going to have Deputies run me around over AAC running me over as an example of HOW NOT TO do it? hahaha

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