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Everything posted by popto

  1. popto

    Selling stuff

    offer don't lowball
  2. https://gyazo.com/9a602e4d6dc7613a031d1755d7e61db6 hit me with offers 7.62 suppressor current offer is 3.3mil
  3. popto

    Buying warpoints

  4. Aight so I spent all my warpoints and can never find enemy gang so who wanna sell me some warpoints for the low.
  5. no u
  6. I do have proof retard I have a 300gb folder of shit to get you banned
  7. retard you killed me with one of those one time fuck you
  8. I mean kind of dumb but I've gone 110 in a 35 so I guess I can't talk cuz i'm also dumb
  9. fuck that cat the pizza is more important
  10. offer
  11. I have a bunch of 4-5's you want em?
  12. Didnt work
  13. -1 they deserve it
  14. popto

    Selling Gear

    how much for mar 10 dms and 7.62 supp?
  15. how much for dms?
  16. how much?
  17. have about 5 4-5's want any?
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