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Everything posted by Momentum

  1. Momentum


    See ya Ash good luck wherever you go. It was fun playing with you while you where in SS, hopefully i will see you around the server from time to time.
  2. Thats a really good idea.
  3. Ok just wide ring thanks for the info, if you ever end up selling it msg me cuz I'm willing to buy it.
  4. Does anyone know who owns the garage in Dp 6 right next to the delivery mission on Server 1. If so I am wondering if they would they are willing to sell the garage.
  5. How is this the worst community to make things for when Joel is the only one complaining and he has been complaining since the start of donation rewards? What im trying to say is that the whole community shouldn't be blamed for a few peoples issues.
  6. We need to make this happen people!
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