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Fearless ;)

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Everything posted by Fearless ;)

  1. Here at silla we take pride in keeping good relations with the Community MANAGER SOV. We will do anything and everything the maintain good standing with SOV. #WESTANDWITHSOV Name: Fearless Gang: Silla Rank: Current rnk 5 Accountability: (who do i message if you have someone being a retard) Fearless
  2. @ Diamond Dam you still got my boy banned? Get that shit remove ASAP
  3. I just saw you dpi. I need 500k or ban. We may meet in support if needed
  4. Please remove my ban history because none of my bans are my fault.
  5. bro wtf
  6. These are all false bans. I dont do anything wrong.
  7. PM me if you own it
  8. You have been posting actual good videos
  9. its 2024 almost 2025. Nobody cares about these stupid cartel/conquest montages anymore. Lets see some more funny and meme highlights instead of the same boring videos of kill a few people then dying on caps.
  10. Thats a very good looking dog. Do you mind if it sleeps over for the night? I'll return it in the morning. VS
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