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Everything posted by Evann

  1. can you guys join s1 right now? it is currently making my game go to the arma black screen and never loads
  2. 2hrs, not everyone wants to spend that amount of time
  3. it takes way too long and honestly it is much faster to do a run and buy the vehicle you are trying to craft. and i still cant even craft the orca i was trying to today that took 2 hours to get the stuff for and i dont even know where to get aluminum ore because there is no guide or anything. Please buff crafting so it isnt so aids or something maybe im just a bitch but at least make a guide so we know where to get everything like rubber and aluminum and all this random stuff
  4. not iron, idk just looking for a straight answer cus there isnt a guide or anything i dont think on the forums which would be nice
  5. for vehicle crafting where do i get aluminum i am retarded
  6. Can you change your forum name or do you have to create a whole new account to do this? I couldn't find a setting in the profile settings to change my name.
  7. Evann


    hmm well this went from a good post to a cancer aids hate post gf
  8. Evann


    ur just jealous that he is cooler than u
  9. Evann


    i just saw you clap like 2 people with a ban in chat get em bro, and this is genuine. you are a chill dude
  10. Evann


    Jamie is a mod and you guys should promote him or something. He is nuts he gets bans left and right. All the time in chat boom Jamie banned someone boom again another smack in the face with a ban hammer. GJ jamie smack em all. yeah you are nuts bro. yo @Jamie i dont even know if you want admin you are just insane brother gl
  11. so if i kill an enemy gang member from one certain gang i can get from 5 - 12. using from a rook - mk1. but when i kill any other gang i usually get 1 - 4. what determines the amount of war points you get from killing an enemy gang member?
  12. This isn't about olympus but it is annoying asf. I can play every Arma 3 server normally but this one server I enjoy playing I can't play for more than 5 minutes at a time. This is because I get kicked and the error message Battleye:Client Not Responding. If anyone knows a fix for this besides deleting battleye folders and verifying game cache it would be awesome.
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