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Status Updates posted by Skatlock

  1. Hurrah! I finally got my PC charger. SAFE is open for recruitment and I should be caught up with all my loose ends by tomorrow. Also, my support tickets were completed while I was gone which is always nice. Shout out to the excellent moderator and admin team!

  2. Gee, What a fantastic way to start my week of vacation. I have to go to Best Buy and pick up a power cord for my PC. I was a genius and left mine at home. RIP all plans tonight. Anyway, hopefully things will be smooth sailing from here out. I hope that most of you guys had a better fourth than I :D

  3. Happy fourth of July everyone! So today I am heading out to my grandparents house (about a 6 hour drive). They just recently moved into a new house and have a lot of work that needs done. Riding in the car is not my ideal 4th, but it'll buff. They could really use the help, and it's not like I can remember my last one anyway.

    1. Linka


      have a good one man

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