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Doctor James

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Everything posted by Doctor James

  1. John where are you man

    1. Odin


      Doin R&R Coord stuff.


    2. Odin


      Where'd you go?!

  2. well weekend ruined range detail Saturday morning cq on Sunday through Monday morning and Monday was a day off but I will spend our sleeping from staying up 24 detail fuck you people on the barracks for not being able to take care of where you fucking live

  3. That's not that easy of a question to answer cause, Virus could wreck and 5v1 with a rook and only 2 rounds but we all know he hacks #Kappa #adminforthehack #comporban
  4. Yeah let me make sure I'm super careful and don't offend any one here.
  5. Is it ok for the rebels conducting the jail break to allow us to get across the bridge and set I'm place prior to shooting at us? Then what do you think the answer would be
  6. I made that on a medic once, Burban terror was called and they happily allowed me to run around a fix people lol.
  7. John, you bailed on me man you missed this boss as feck base i built today bro, everyone on the server wanted in ha ha, 5 choppers were in that bad boy.

  8. To all of those who participated in the Ferguson riot the other night and allowed me to restrain pretty much everyone in Kayla thank you that was hilarious, and just out right fun. I'm hoping to post the video soon. smoke chem lights, flak bands the whole 9 years. and no one went to jail lol.

  9. CRUSHED on wasteland with John Mclane lady night, bro I want that ghost hawk video lol. looking forward to some more. RIP Ammo truck

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      Lol that dsync ma'am I swear I hit them both like 30 times ha ha that thing is boss add fuck man love the strider remember #YOLO lol

    3. Odin


      #YOLO #striderlife #127hunter

    4. Doctor James
  10. Virus, it doesnt really matter which home you own, if you remember correctly you are a hacker and currently run a program which allows you to see all of a players contents any how. lol Brother, i agree with you i do love this map and the overall concept of Olympus which is what keeps me coming back here, and the amazingness i get when playing APD/RnR/CIV with certain people i happen to play with. Doctor James ~ Unless ~ Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot the world will never change.
  11. It's time to make some if these medics serve hard time, I shall not be dealing with this any more lol
  12. It was passed down that discounts on tickets can be given in a situational rp
  13. Hey guys if yall arent busy could use you on.server Ferguson the trolling is getting out of hand
  14. Got to make it worth it for those doing the legit stuff you know
  15. Unless ~ Unless someone like you cars a whole awful lot the world will never change ~ Dr. Sues

  16. Myself along with other APD members do reward personnel conducting themselves as respectable and productive members of society. I buy peaches and Apple's at 100 higher than the styling price along with bonuses to people who aren't doing bad things find myself or any of the cops I play with and see how the rp plays out guys there is fun and money to be made by doing legal things
  17. Way to many people screaming the 10 minute rule and having their pop shot just to stall silly, but I have had some good rp of people claiming police brutality and how he was just hunting snakes and one just happened to be on spectrals shoulder
  18. He got hollowman a half ticket for his skills lol Also you guys have been saying his name wrong all along, it's actually DJ Ango lol
  19. Do you even RP bro
  20. Thank You. Itis always a blast to rp with you man, my brother and I always have fun. Sincerely Doctor James (myself) Doctor Spectral (game bro)
  21. I use to when I was younger but unfortunately I fell away from the hobby, it is definitely immensely fun when you have the time.
  22. I say make them legal, just have the bench srats an upgrade if at all possible. Would save the arguement. Have them legal without benches and illegal with them.
  23. WELL MAYBE if you didnt take to long to get out glasses in we might actually be able to ensure we are careful then huh, and we dont kill people usually i only shoot them in the event you know....yeah im old lol
  24. So, i have been playing the Olympus Servers for quite a while now. Along my time i have run into alot of vets and current active duty. Just wanted to throw out Thank You for all of your service guys much appreciative. Joshua D. Lantrip SGT, USA 3 BN 7 IN Regiment 4BCT 3rd Infantry Division "Rock Of The Marne" Just wanted to throw in that goes for all Service members around the world, not just Americans.
  25. At the same time to go along with how you are saying most cops dont know how to negotiate, you must remember that what ever is being asked for still must be realistic for what ever situation is happening. You cant expect everything to go your way the second you grab a hostage. When you start negotiations and then you get one low ball from the cops and you kill your hostage and go about your way, which is usually how it happens. People must realize that in instances like that the cops online dont always have the means to give what your asking for and have to check with higher cops online.
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