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D. Johnson

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Everything posted by D. Johnson

  1. Tyrone thats not worth... add a few more vests
  2. SERVER 1
  3. https://gyazo.com/3f0d19ec9f30de95f469651cedf44ab4 post offers
  4. https://gyazo.com/09236fdd59171c3163786fd43b038b3d reply offers
  5. Looking for any dp4 or abdera or anything u think is close as long as its 2+ crates Server 1 btw for meth^
  6. please do so i was pissing my pants
  7. https://youtu.be/BkqRm6YulhU
  8. already worked out a deal for now ill let u know if it clears up
  9. 2 crater 800m away from mushroom pro on server 3 reply with offers. https://gyazo.com/7fc908fda5966cd9f2aa9333a1cc55b7
  10. selling two abdera two craters https://gyazo.com/b1a2dc780991684687e723223d254c3e https://gyazo.com/59f678c96b379a0c05907a820493b0a2 message me for offers
  11. give me a price
  12. i'm a legacy donor how many and how much?
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