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Everything posted by indian

  1. Is that actually you in the pic?
  2. indian


    Welcome my friend. One tip, don’t sell apples and peaches for money.
  3. Got a NATO beret from pledge a week ago. Selling for 375k, msg me if interested in buying.
  4. Msg me if you want to sell your strider.
  5. @Grandma GaryThank you so much! I wonder if there is a way to respond to 61114 so admins don’t deny my future comp requests. It was a complete accident as I was broke at the time and was going through all of my videos and sending in anything I could possibly get comp for. I had completely forgot to delete the video that I had gotten comp for.
  6. @Grandma GaryThank you so much!
  7. @Grandma GaryThank you, highly appreciated. Could you also check our PMs on here please. It's about that scummy hacker, Notorious.
  8. Is olympus’ way of dealing with all of the comp requests by denying all of them. All of my comp requests of me losing my gearsets and what not are being denied after I get nuked. This shit is actually starting to piss me off so much. Please let me know if this happening to all of you too. Complete BS.
  9. Hurting my brain feels for me now.
  10. Shut up kiddo. Get back to streaming “Arma 3 Olympus Kavala Scat”.
  11. That kid hadn’t even joined our gang first off, just had our tags. Second, he was putting a titan away once you were revived. And lastly, he got perm banned 30 minutes after that for hacking and ban evading.
  12. UNNEGOTIABLE Buying MXs for 180k each, 8k for each mag. Buying Stings for 100k each. I am always on server 2 under the name AR [ - ] so feel free to msg me and I would be glad to come meet up with you to buy some cop tasers. If you are not willing to get on S2, msg me on the forums and we can sort some date, time, and server out for whenever you’re free.
  13. indian


    What I would like to see: Multiple casinos where if you scroll wheel inside , you can click “open bets” and in that bets menu, you can either set bets or accept bets from other people. If you decide that you want to open a bet because there is no other bets under your price range, people across altis can go to a casino and accept your bet or other bets. I think that this could be really useful so people with high bounties or amazing loadouts don’t have to go into Kavala square to lose a bet and then get buttfucked by vigis. Oh and Olympus can make it like gas station lottos where a 5% cut is taken from the total amount being given to the winner of the bet.
  14. If you are looking to sell a house + garage or gangsheds, please send a screenshot of where they are and I will DM you if I’m interested.
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