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Shark 4-6

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  1. lol. I am actually surprised. 37 downvotes yeah. People are free to believe what they want. you guys are all free to think what you want to think. I made this post to state how uncomfortable and a bad experience that interview was for me. that interview, me trying to understand correctly, what he asks and trying to answer them. and then at the end, he pulls me back to channel and tries to make me confess that I cheated. You all were not there. you did not feel what I felt. so please shut your fucking mouths up and leave the fuck out my post please. thanks. Would really appreciete that. I am not actually offensing you guys because you are just seeing what I am showing you here, and what you see is 37 downvotes and a random guy. and people that talking against me are like chief of police sergeants and shit right ? they are so valuable people of course. not saying the opposite. just to make myself clear, I will post here my whole answer to staff. and keep thinking that I cheated. by the way, when ı get accused by cheating, I take it as if I had apd handbook open in the background and as if I was reading from there. I think thats what you guys are thinking. and it makes me highly angry because I am starting to get annoyed of this shit. Feels like wont matter how or how many times I try to explain myself won't be enough. because you will just be a hardhead and keep thinking what you want to think. After that interview, I ALREADY GAVE UP WANTING TO JOIN APD. BECAUSE OF THE WAY YOU GUYS TALKED TO ME. WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE THERE ? WHY WOULD I TRY TO TALK NİCELY AFTER HOW YOU GUYS TALKED TO ME. THIS POST İS ONLY MADE SO THAT I COULD EXPLAİN MYSELF BETTER. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP TALKİNG SHIT, PLEASE GET THE FUCK OUT TO ANOTHER POST. THANKS. BECAUSE IT WAS HARDLY ANNOYING. THIS POST İS MADE TO CLEARLY STATE THAT HOW TERRİBLE MY İNTERVİEW WAS. I AM NOT BLAMING WHOEVER DİD THE İNTERVİEW OR WHOEVER KEEPS THİNKİNG SHIT ABOUT ME. YOU GUYS MAYBE RİGHT AND I MIGHT BE SHIT. BUT THERE ARE TİMES THAT PEOPLE ARE SHIT AND THERE ARE TİMES THAT PEOPLE ARE GOOD. SO STOP ANNOYING ME PLEASE. THANKS. HERE İS MY WHOLE ANSWER TO STAFF AND WHOEVER WANTS TO READ İT.
  2. Ahah thats actally good emote ikr
  3. Y I K E S
  5. yeah. also there is 500 hours olympus played in between this not knowing my first weapon and reciting the handbook
  6. ahh I sstill don't know why I am commenting lol ı love you guys ı guess well. I guess ı am that kında dumb , not able to figure it out by myself... couple of times , no , I read all the book over and over and over. Just lıke this song here : ahahh
  7. at least you udnerstand me @TheCmdrRex I already gave up trying to join APD. I wouldn't post that shit if I still really wanted to. Thanks for commenting and answerin anwyays. not just to you. thanks to everyone lol Yeah the thing is I still can't understand how they keep thinking that I cheated. I read those shıts over and over again so it is god damn normal that I read word to word. anyways. I am done with shıt APD. I can always pay my tickets and be a good civillian and if there is anybody that can't tell all these when the question is asked, he must probably never looked at the book or must be a dumbass. Thats all I am saying.
  8. If you want to join APD , do not try too hard. because if you try too hard and read all the handbook, you mıght give perfect answers and they just wont like it. they just wont. so don't. For example: you don't even have to know your first weapon , lets consider you don' know it, you would just say an MX or Stinger. and get denied. and it is fine, just open the handbook but don't read too much. only read where you were mistaken. learn the first weapon and then close it , go back to make another interview. ouw failed again ? learn the answers and do better next time. BUT, BUT , BUT Never read all of the handbook, never try hard to give good answers. because, they mıght just not lıke it and they may just blacklist you for giving them good answers. and yeah, if you don't wanna get blacklisted, you better follow what I say!
  9. idk. it is just lıke what the hell
  10. So thats the wae
  11. Just like in my first video when I wasted 40+ bullets to kill the guy. You gotta know da wae of Rook xD
  12. nice I guess he likes using first person view
  13. ...and if you are tapping hard enough or hiding in a big bush... TRUST ME, Rook will do the job. Dont even mind wasting 135k on an Mk1 guys. just by a rook and the job is done! Roadtip : Always reload your gun before the push Thats all for now folks Hope to make more
  14. Today we are talking about the best and worst Rook scenarios :). It is obviously just a little pistol. However, better not to underestimate !..
  15. ahahha that was an emergency situation Didn't even have time to get gear
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