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Everything posted by Bobey

  1. Kid. KID! I went from never being ban to a 14 day ban with blacklistment on the side My level is here you are here <3 bojo
  2. Uh, if we are to take this man verbatim, he is saying there was a camo ghosthawk o_o
  3. perma ban takes big exploiting or like super massive holy shit terrorism level VDM/RDM
  4. I'll alwways <3 snipr :3
  5. Sadly I don't play much (outside of robbing people with the humingbird day one of dlc) I will give my opinion, and boy will I get flamed. But fuck it, why not? You're right in just about every department. On a sidenote, I don't even recognize the police force outside of the senior apd/a few lower ranks, its upsetting :s
  6. I remember link voice dat opinion dog
  7. We ran into a cop (m and my bros) and i was like ima fuck with him. So I tell him hands up or die (in kav hq mind you) and he just GETS IN HIS TRUCK AND TAKES OFF TOWARDS AIR GARAGE AFTER I OPEN FIRE. So, I'm all okkkkkk. Well he is driving to air garage so I have my friends set up to take his ass out. Well, one said friend didn't want to fuck with the cops and was just watching (unarmed), when suddenly, Nerdz Finlya(or waht ever the fuck your name is) strafes the rocks, downs him without announcing him self, restrains him, and gives him discharging a weapon within the city limits. No weapon was ever fired, so he was just throwing charges on for the money, or really really really dense, didnt even clear the area around the detained prisoner. Also kids, remember, you have to tell someone when you seize their stuff (which you didnt do either ) I really hope the rest of the constables and higher don't act like you All in all, they seem childish and really bad.
  8. No lets turn it into an anti jamal thread. Hey jamal fuck you
  9. Good lord you must sit behind your keyboard raging 24/7
  10. ARCO, if I remember, is glitched and not centered correctly or something. May have been fixed by now
  11. Ya, to a max of 12x....... The only difference with the DMS when compared to lets say an RCO, is it has a built in range finder. No not an OP electric one, one you use your self. Look at the scope you will see what I mean
  12. People thought I was a girl/gay :<
  13. Lol, sry kids no fun allowed here. I played vigi back when cops were huge d-bags and wouldnt allow you in their city. Still made that bank. Record, submit, they get atleast a small ban. Perhaps put in the ticket a comp request for the bounty you missed.
  14. Gangs are really full of them selves nowadays. Do your shit, make money, other than that no one gives a damn =D
  15. Best Sheep Herder: Shearsy
  16. just buy a rifle put your toe in the red and shoot and take the hemtt then you wreck the hemtt and i shoot you. sorry flash back of a random nooby stealing my hemtt :<
  17. You'd be surprised how many said P07 instead of voice xD
  18. A thread about me? Oh good lord D:
  19. I waited for like a week because I couldn't understand Ares(but now i love that sexy accent xD). Then one day Hershmek and I saw Travis hop into ts and bugged the piss out of him :3 the rest is history Oh lord flashbacks of doing like 20 interviews in a day, and half of them said theyd pick up rebel equipment to protect kavala, valiant, but wrong :s REMEMBER KIDS: YOUR MAIN WEAPON (this applies for cadet all the way to captain) IS THE P07 PISTOL
  20. I can back Karl up on this, G2A is your best bet, sometimes a code may not work (very rare) but if something like that happens you simply inform them and get another copy.
  22. It's k <3, awkward, but ok. You know me, always talkin shit :3
  23. daaaaaaaaaaaaaw
  24. Everyone but the cadets
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