We ran into a cop (m and my bros) and i was like ima fuck with him. So I tell him hands up or die (in kav hq mind you) and he just GETS IN HIS TRUCK AND TAKES OFF TOWARDS AIR GARAGE AFTER I OPEN FIRE. So, I'm all okkkkkk. Well he is driving to air garage so I have my friends set up to take his ass out. Well, one said friend didn't want to fuck with the cops and was just watching (unarmed), when suddenly, Nerdz Finlya(or waht ever the fuck your name is) strafes the rocks, downs him without announcing him self, restrains him, and gives him discharging a weapon within the city limits. No weapon was ever fired, so he was just throwing charges on for the money, or really really really dense, didnt even clear the area around the detained prisoner. Also kids, remember, you have to tell someone when you seize their stuff (which you didnt do either ) I really hope the rest of the constables and higher don't act like you
All in all, they seem childish and really bad.