I agree I've been in the room since 6:19pm and now it's 9:21pm. I mean not to sound negative or being a dick about it, I think you should at least post in the forums that the 'APD interview room is will be closed on this date and time. Sorry for any inconvenience". That will be great.
What's good!
I'm R3MGamingTRG and I'm a Twitch live-streamer. I stream early mornings on Monday & Tuesday. So if your down to join the stream, feel free to hit up this link www.r3mgamingtrg.weebly.com, go to contact and it the Twitch Icon. Make sure you follow your boy! Peace!
My Name is Xavier, but in game you can call me R3MGamingTRG or R3M for short. I'm a Twitch livestreamer and also a PC gamer like you. I only play on weekends due to school and work. So if you want to join my stream feel free to! Here's my web page www.r3mgamingtrg.weebly.com and hit up my social medias! Thanks for having me hope to see you soon.