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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. sounds to good to be true be careful
  2. anything works cus people dont wanna lose ifrits so theres no point
  3. add them back so people actually push cap please
  4. Why does everyone always request a 300k comp for getting rdmed and then getting reved and lose nothing its absolute bullshit and then they always make up some bullshit story
  5. https://www.strawpoll.me/18331512 vote yes
  6. Clashingtin


    it was just me and zoom?
  7. Clashingtin


    Mhh u got proof? I cant just buy a ghawk?
  8. Clashingtin


    put your prices here ghawk
  9. looks like every staff is leaving yikers
  10. put ur wishlist in dont just say what game you want
  11. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198171711506/#sort=name
  12. well its time for the ban evaders to show them selfs https://gyazo.com/6c22f8d073b3458065f686d53317a381
  13. 25mil oh wait im permed
  14. oh nice where do you work
  15. hes saying oh look its ryan and hes still the best
  16. one of u got me permed but gobal eilte vs silver 4 u down ryan? alrighty ryan ill be training
  17. u didnt get me permed u got me a 1month @mav got me that perm
  18. i mean im silver 4 so he probly would win
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