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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Sorry guys I was very mad when i wrote this. I TOOK THE L! I like how everyone gave me a - 21 rep this is just sad
  2. I made a support ticket and he has been punished. NP sorry for bashing on the staffs
  3. Today i reported someone for rdm me for absolutely no reason and no action has been taken still. Later on i was casually playing and doing my vigilante business and got banned for one day due to exploiting, but the only thing i was doing was walking in kavala talking to some other people. This is sad how people rdm other people all day long and no action gets taken, but then a admin decides to ban an innocent player just trying to have a good time. I’ve seen people rdm, combat logging, saying racial slurs, but ofc no action gets taken. Stop baning people who do nothing wrong and actually punish the ones breaking the rules.
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