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About iPwnR

  • Birthday 01/01/1867

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    : Altis Penitentiary

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  1. 1.000001 Mil
  2. BW better beat Prime, I wanna watch Abra wipe them again
  3. mur are you making fun of me for your own shit connection?
  4. Proud thanks for the reply about the grey areas, but I think you also validated my slightly humorous attempt to raise awareness for the fact that community members have to post on the forums about non-specific rules to find out that they can be banned for things that aren't common sense. I know that since the beginning of Olympus, this has already been improved greatly. I've seen bans issued for things that I would have done wrong too in the right circumstance, despite reading through the entire rulebook multiple times a week to test new members of my gang. It's a bit wonky. Also how is screaming in direct chat while running up a tower not considered an exploit since it is done to intentionally cause tower lag, as well as breaking Chapter 6 of the civilian rules regarding mic spam? I love the server but getting ear raped as someone teleports up staircases can be a bit aggravating.
  5. So tonight I was going through the civilian rules after getting a comp or ban text, ya know, just confirming that [PMW] doesn't know what RDM really is, when I realized that Chapter 20 is missing. I thought it's quite odd that something so serious and meticulously crafted as the Olympus Altis Life rules would have an entire chapter hidden by mistake... Then it all clicked. Chapter 20 must be the section where all the grey areas are clarified! It probably specifies that it is STILL breaking NLR to shoot into the area the player previously died from over 1km away, or specifically states the size of the red zone surrounding cartels so I don't have to ask Dante Fluery like an idiot if I can snipe people at southeast airfield from construction building cartel. Maybe it even says that robbers may not force a player to remove money from their ATM which would have saved me about $2 million in my Kavala scat days when people with PDWs and sandals looked intimidating to me. What do you all think should be clarified/added in the rules? I vote they explicitly grant players permission to shoot their gang members in the face if they're acting like a bunch of daft chimpanzees. Remember the Governor in The Walking Dead? What other things could be contained inside Chapter 20? Why Sergeants can swallow three 7.62 rounds to the mouth like they're popping tic tacs? The way to dupe money and not get caught? Why in the hell I couldn't turn my upgraded SUV from silver to black for a damn decade? I demand to see inside the hidden chapter. @AnyAdminEver
  6. I used to be an Asian student with a 6.0 GPA and a master violinist. Now my skin tone has darkened noticeably, I blast rap music in my van with my 57" subs, and I yell "WEST SIDE MOTHAF***AS" as I yank the side door open and hold down the trigger of my gold plated AK-47 passing Kavala Square. This DLC has improved my life considerably.
  7. Ex-Global here, I think I'd probably get smashed by the LE ranks now. What's the prize for last place so I know what to look forward to?
  8. ...and abruptly shredded apart by packed C-4 explosives. Maybe move your lawn chair a bit farther back next time. Everyone else was smart enough to be over 100m away. Our autism is expanding to the other servers!
  9. They're absolute garbage, but I hear they are going to be recruiting on the forums soon. The best thing to ever happen to [isms] was when they were too poor to afford explosives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJyLuZIGmlM
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