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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. i mean,idk,i dont do runs at all,its just boring,waste of time imo but ye,everyone has his own thing.
  2. i say just keep it unlocked,whatever,let squekers and farmers make money safely once
  3. what about another copy of Arma 3 so i can ban evade if i get banned
  4. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/xannieOwO/#sort=order whats ur steam @Ryan
  5. No friends,just people to hang out with. Friends are the first to backstab you. just get yo self a loyal bae and people to hang wit and get baked and u good
  6. Last comment wins reeeeeeeeee gimme another arma 3 gift on my 2nd steam so if i ever get banned i can evade
  7. i dont go to school that shits a waste of time that lasts for good 12 years
  8. Hi Roleplayer,welcome to the gang
  9. If its u or mon5t3r u gotta win This squeker rdm tazed me and vigied me straight away xd
  10. @RDyer216 gj downwotin all my posts,ure DISQUALIFIED You wouldve gotten ur money but u didnt answer the question asked within the 2 minute limit that was given to you,so yea,u got shit on. DISQUALIFIED
  11. Almost at my plugs house ay ayy Gotta go get those 25g for the weekend since bae is back in town,that bitch smokes more then i do
  12. I watched that video when i was baked,that nibba had me confused for days
  13. Ur 2 minutes have passed,gl next time roleplayer In my sperm form?
  14. And yet he failed lol Game keeps on going Roleplayers
  15. That is a correct answer. Sorry @RDyer216 you failed to answer the question. Altho @mon5t3r ur comment didnt last for an hour without another coming so ure not winning yet,the game keeps on going ! ! !
  16. GJ Roleplayer To collect your money you need to answer the question: If you have 6 black socks, 4 blue socks, 8 brown socks, and 2 red socks in your sock drawer, what is the minimum number of socks that you need to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair? You have 2 minutes to give me the correct answer,if you fail to do so,game keeps on going! Would be cool
  17. Btw,Obama just called,he said that everyone in this thread is allowed to say the N word as he's the official sponsor of the thread. No ure not squeker
  18. Hey Roleplayers hows it going? Im boutta go meet the plug get me some weed and im coming to roleplay with people of Altis reeeeee Any winners?
  19. Oooof,admins out here trynna fuck you guys up lol
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