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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. u're irrelevant. dont talk to me. im 19 I do care about it cuz i started on this server and i wanna keep it like that,i dont want to be forced to move to another server cuz every single FUCKIN CARTEL FIGHTER will... Its just stupid how i see Mr.Career Cop Nerdy commenting,im sorry,u dont fight cartels,ure irrelevant here. And all the other kavala scats commenting,ure irrelevant aswell on this post.
  2. aight son,now that Tiger is unbanned,Connor is on the way of getting unbanned let's see how many cartel fighters will stay here... Then what about here? If he did nun wrong there,he probably didnt du nun wrong here,both him and Connor. You banned Connor for appereantly "hacking" someones forum account? That's stoopid if you ask me What did you ban Tiger for ?
  3. Whatever,im just sayin,they outplayed us all. ...
  4. every cartel fighter uses some kinda script and it doesnt matter,its just competition of who plays it better,this is about cartel fighting players n banned players,ur kavala scat ass can get the fook out
  5. THEY as Asylum admins who came here and gave our admins the list of people banned on asylum for scripting/hacking so they can get banned here aswell. What they did now? Unbanned all of them on Asylum. i'd say that's a 200 iq outplay they did get played lmao they just dont wanna admit it now
  6. whatever,all im gonn say,GL u got fucked,now watch what happens now that they unbanned tiger n connor and they r unbanning everyone else
  7. fuck am i supposed to know that ? obviously enough to get his broke ass to join them
  8. fuck them n their servers,i started playing Olympus,im gonna stay Olympus no matter what cuz they offered him money to be their Dev lmao
  9. FORGOT TO MENTION the part where they made you ban so many people here that were previously banned on Asylum @ikiled @Arigato @Ryan Hate me or not,you gotta admit it,i warned you,i saw this coming,and now they fucked you up...
  10. same here,i noticed that and i made a post like a month ago telling them not to trust those fucks yet nobody listened,now you gonn be like "Ey xan was actually right"
  11. i bet u they are all in their little gas chamber teamspeak now being like "Oh reeeee lets unban Connor,lets unban Tiger,lets unban every single good player that's banned on Olympus here so they start playing Asylum again and they will bring us all the players from Olympus"
  12. Yep,everyone knows that already,all im gonna say is that you guys got outplayed and now you better find a way not to let the server die cuz i ain't playin shitty asylum... they rly did fuck u guys over And i fuckin warned you guys about those rats,i knew they were plottin some shit
  13. Asylum admins came here,licked your ass,became friends with moderators n admins,saw how much people get banned everyday,they went and unbanned everyone on their server and now everyone is moving over to Asylum,lmao,RIP,i told you not to trust those fuckers,i saw this coming...every cartel fighter is going to be unbanned on asylum now cuz they are permed here and everyone will follow them,... Remember i warned you about those fucks,i knew they were planning something,but unbanning people and giving rank ups to every cop just so people play it? yikes.
  14. Fuck ENVGs im interested in those clothes you got,how much?
  15. 555555555

    Sup boys!

    meet me in Pyrgos,we boutta smoke some weed,welcome
  16. yay im happy a permed nibba won bet that mil stays in my bank account yeeeeeeet
  17. something smart coming from this fella,wow
  18. *.* Make a gang,go inactive the next day *clap* *clap* *clap*
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