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Status Replies posted by Wheatkings

  1. My steam Account has been hacked so I will be gone until I can get it back! Sorry guys

  2. fuckin at&t >.> still no internet, using a phone as hotspot, phone to laptop, then laptop to pc. Also 15$ per 1gb.

  3. omg i am in so much pain i broke my leg in football practice today and there was a game tomorrow

    1. Wheatkings


      guess that means you'll be on the servers more then :D Get well!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I need to schedule a Ride along, but i'm on early hours of the Eastern time, any ideas how to get this done??

    1. Wheatkings


      there's always weekends if they aren't available Monday-Friday when you are.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hard to take hades seriously with that cat picture xD

  6. Yep that's right, lock and load! Corporal Wheaties is in the house!

  7. #Can'tWin - just spilled a liter of water all over my pc desk! EEEKKK!

  8. If you haven't noticed already Olympus, I'm on holiday. APD forum regarding leave doesn't seem to be reviewed. (Doesn't seem)

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