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Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Exner21

  1. That is the most stupid comment I have ever seen. Lets let players who break the rules get away with it. MMMMM good system my friend XD It has more to do with how you treat your community and less about reports. Reports are a very small part. You need overall treat players better. hey an apple is an apple guy. And the server sucks at taking care of players. It is what it is
  2. I agree free to play, and volunteers. However If you're going to accept donations from players, you should be putting out a quality product. As well as if you want a community that's known for how it takes care of its members, you need to actually take care of them. Just because you're a volunteer doesn't mean you can suck at your job. That's a lame excuse and a one that is used all too often on this server. As for real life jobs, I have an extremely hard time believing you can put hours on a single game and not have 30 to 35mins to take care of your members. I have a job that demands a lot of time in my life as do many of my members. Ask my gang and players who I take care of. They would let you know I put a lot forward for them, even if it's my own reputation. It's hard to say that over 30 to 40 staff members can't take care of 70 reports within 30mins. That's extremely absurd. We need a better excuse than, "this is a free server", and "hey man we have IRL things to worry about''. If that's the case why should players invest their time in your server? This server is a product and service just like any other business. Macros and Micros for you business players out there. Your first impression on your players should be that you care about them.
  3. Dude!!!!! now that's BS!!! Wow man. I feel like a dick compared to that
  4. Selling a DP13 House Garage Combo. Extremely close to heroine field and frog. Max upgraded. PM for details.
  5. So recently I have seen support members get away with breaking rules. I have seen SGT's on the police force try to enforce server rules that are not written. I have had admins say "the rule is not written, it's an unspoken rule". I have seen regular players get banned within seconds or minutes of making a mistake on the server. No matter what happens players are always told to make a comp request, ban appeal, or player report and within a day or so someone will look at your player report. It has been a week since I have submitted my player reports and not either has been viewed. I am having a hard time keeping players on this server. I have had more players from my gang, friends from other gangs, and even random friends on this server leave and not come back due to the mistreatment of its community. IDK what needs to get fixed but everyone knows it's going on. I'm just calling an apple an apple. https://ibb.co/7GFsQGY
  6. Ya man a lot those prices are way to high. I can literally buy everything on that list for less.
  7. These guys running together with no tags. A complete bait for someone to get banned. They all came together. Let alone the stupid amount of gear these guys are running. I have seen players get banned within 2 or 3 mins for getting into a scenario with staff or support. Where everyone else still has players reports in for 4 or 5 days. It is extremely obvious there is abuse from above. I have seen more players leave this server due to abuse from support and staff then anything else.
  8. SOLD
  9. Selling meth House at DP5, 4 crater, fully upgraded. Looking to get ride of it just don't do meth anymore. Looking to sell it for above 5.5mil or Best offer. Will sell it on the spot no questions ask for 7mil.
  10. It was just north of the 100% drop
  11. We recently had an incident to where a cop was driving on the main road. He ran into us and we got out and 3v1 him. But we where told to let him go because he was responding to a pharma. Rules don't say "responding" it states "at". Should we have let him go? or Nah? Opinions on the scenario? The rule quote - Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased at Federal Reserves, Blackwater, Jail, or Pharmaceutical/Bank events.
  12. XD trying to buy war points. LMAO roger
  13. 15k a peace for War Points is what I feel has been the price for War Points. Anyone else selling them for more or less? I felt like this was the unsaid price
  14. no no. im asking if others use third person. and not from what I've seen. I've scene players use third person more and more. And obviously its better in a CQC situation. but players who use third seem to retain more situational awareness. coming from a player who has played many forms of arma as well as a lot of different game mods. third person is becoming more common
  15. I'm interested to hear everyone's opinion on aiming down sights over third person shooting. I was a hard believer on always aiming down sights but watching other peoples videos it seems third person is pretty savvy. Any input?
  16. Just out of curiosity I've Been waiting almost 2 hours for some help. How long does it take usually to get helped? What are peoples experiences with receiving help?
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