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ziggle mamma

APD Officer
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Everything posted by ziggle mamma

  1. @Creepy can u proof these guys that i i did win @Horizon and he left without paying
  2. No but ask creepy We did talk about it support and u did pay me some comp money but u did left when i won u did disconnecg Just forget this i dont want more ban i have waited 1 month for every day and log on the server and just wait and wait when i get un banned im getting unbanned today and im leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks I mean goat u said i did dube destruct said i did not but im asking why u ignore and like i can put here video when im in a helipad kavala and somone drives into me in a car for fun and u say no rules was broken idc lets just forget this all and just be friends or something
  3. No
  4. english is not my first or secound launge my first is finnish and then swedish and then english and i speak arabic and france little bid
  5. @Mr GOAT u did ignore and u said that i did dube and destruct said i did not so goat u are ignoer u did ignore me for 1 month
  6. It wasnt staff
  7. The staff said to me make comp request he did not pay and then i did and he said u are not getting comped he did say that but db trash
  8. Creepy i just wanted to make majestic angry because he trolls me all the time so i wanna do something to him but idt this effects hes life
  9. @Mr Majestic i did make deal with a creepy and horizon if i win him 1v1 in a jet and pony he logs off and dont pay anything and u like Say im trash and everthying i won atleast your gang member after i won him on a jet he said i dont know how to play jet lets go pony then i did rekt hes ass so tell him not to scam and learn how to play
  10. so if amigo can win db guys in jets and helicopters so anyone can and db did scam me he did log out before he paid DB is trash @Horizon full of scammers and bad players
  11. And so many good did left and there is like 2 morons who ignores and just like when im in a heli and somone just drives into me says no vdm and then i ask all others they its vdm i dont wanna say names they are gonna ban me so dont change the server that the good ones leave and take some noobs who doesnt know anything
  12. Yea slumberjack is best he helped me like 2 hours but im sad because all goods josh hadi did leave so many else and now there is so many bad staff so im sad
  13. Unjo hahahhahaha This should be my motto
  14. i got helped by slumberjack
  15. So i have waited atleast every like 3 hours for past 1 week in like medics room to get like white listed or something and no one is coming like could be get some more active rnr people who can help revise was always online and now no one sorry for bad english
  16. Ill buy edson add me on disocrd kuningas#5051
  17. ill buy all
  18. ill buy all the guns if u can waity 19.12
  19. ill buy ghost
  20. So im just asking because im banned So can u guys send clips of you like titan or killing cops or something videos of olympys if u can plz i just wanna watch the montages and clips
  21. Im getting unbanned 19.12 or 20.12 so lets see then
  22. Lets see 19.12 or 20.12
  23. Yea i got 1-2 orginal titans i did never use dubed stuff
  24. its s2 and i sell you some titans if u need after i get unbanned
  25. i can buy it if im un banned in 20 days i can buy it for 4m
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