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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×

Roman SPQR

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  1. Did you have anyone bounty on you? Because weapons are only to be confiscated when you have a crime on your record that requires a weapon. Exp: manslaughter, attempted manslaughter, robber, etc... If or if an officer witness you say hoping a rook, then find you breaking a law or you already have a bounty and you don't have a license for it then they should add possession of firearm without license then take your weapon. If you were clean and only had 1 mushroom and they took your gun they mad a mistake. (Ps no names need to be mentioned)
  2. Hmm I have had kinda the opposite side of this I chase 2 people in two different vehicles, after a short chase one crashed and i engaged RP. He shot at me and I downed him with my po7. His friend stoped shortly after I started processing. We got into another small fire fight... Long story kinda short Mafia showed up and cloak provided back up. It was a 2v(about 6-9) never got the full number. But we got into a nice firefight. I was downing 3-4 people per Mag with my Mxc. Granted it was about 75-135m range and couldn't always move up to restrain. But I found it pretty easy to taze them. They fled.... And Grandma Gary showed up to troll me and cloak. Comp or ban grandma!
  3. I have one problem, you say guns kill people, do spoons feed people? Or pencils write words? Ps. This could be a cool idea to role play with
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