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Everything posted by Lonzo

  1. how much for all 4 mx tasers
  2. Looking to buy warpoints looking to spend about 2-3m
  3. 15m or no deal
  4. 15m take it or leave it
  5. Selling it for 15m no lower
  6. 2 mill for Mar 10 and Dms and 1 7.62 sup for 4 mill all together
  7. mx?
  8. Mar10 with DMS and 10 mags and RPG with 2 rocket, 4 titans and 20 rockets, mk1 taser, 2 mx tasers, 4 7.62 supp wana sell it all for 15m
  9. 20mill and u got a deal
  10. Trying to sell my moonshine house
  11. I have 3c in Dp25 next to brewery that ill sell for 20m bc its my only house
  12. i have a 2c ill sell for 10mill
  13. Best seedling here so bounce close to promo anyway!
  14. how many?
  15. Got a DP 25 4crater You offered me 12 mill for it still down to do it?
  16. Looking to spend 3-4 mill max on Warpoints!
  17. @-Luis- ill buy them all for 4 mill!
  18. have 31 mx's 10 mk-1's server 2 hit me if u wana buy. and i have a lot of cop gear
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