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Kanye West

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Everything posted by Kanye West

  1. I attempt to reason with you and airborne logically stating I made minor mistakes and you’d strip my PO and then blacklist me for a report I already dealt with. Terrible administrative system and that’s why a lot of good cops are leaving. Hey it’s good for the rebels.
  2. More certainly need to be done.
  3. yup oh well. like throwing gas in a fire haha
  4. At the end of the day, this is something you could’ve handled with the couple people who knew about it. tbinkinng everyone knows about it and we all care so much is doing more negativity then good. As a man do not expose yourself, it makes you weak and feeble. No ones perfect, stop letting haters get to you which is clearly the case since you made a post about it.
  5. yes if you are doing anything other than leaving, even landing, you can be fired upon.
  6. o7 Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!
  7. @ALLAH SAVE ME Good shot bro. Thank god for our brothers in blue lethaling!!!!!
  8. I love this game and love everyone who I’ve met and had experiences I can say I had a lot of fun, I’m a bit stoned and want some more nostalgia since I have a snow day tomorrow I’m chilling lovin’ this game. Post all your ArmA 3 memories and like it up much love!
  9. if you're 20 and talkin about making fun of someones real life looks over a video game forums server you should look in the mirror and reassess why you are alive
  10. are you mad because peter long forced his horse testicles in your mouf'?
  11. I remember hearing you getting processed in kav HQ and almost breaking your mic because you were yelling that the cops couldn't take your gun because you Rped and said it was a BB gun. you then proceeded to scream and slur insults while threatening to report them. if there was ever a perfect definition for a toxic scat, you'd probably fit the bit.
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