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Kanye West

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Everything posted by Kanye West

  1. big e peen monkey boi.
  2. I’ve been here since Jager owned tree, back when MC was just beginning under a different name. I change my name a lot, and have multiple steam accounts as you can see in your “notes”. Look I just don’t like the way you guys run things, no issues here apart from your exorbitant cocky attitude that everyone whose not a cop recognizes. Lets leave it at this, and settle it in game some time eh?
  3. Keep coming at me chief doesn’t make your epeen any larger.
  4. Lol. Reading some of those notes shows how much your administration for a role play police department are mongs. Have the nerve to call other people unprofessional? Talk to your dumbass lieutenants and sergeants and tell them to stop flaming on the server. chrisgg literally goes into cop channels posts someone’s profile link and goes “dislike this guys content.” I saw it firsthand when I was dumb enough to be cop. I’m not the chief of police. I am a rebel. I kill cops. I can flame on the forums. You have an expectation, as well as your “senior” apd members of professionalism and respect. get over it. I was playing here before you had arma.
  5. I only talk to people who play the server for than 3 hours a week.
  6. quit cop before you get blacklisted by the power hungry wanna be’s. I hate APD cops it’s funny because I love real cops. Maybe because they’re the complete opposite of a good demeanor. my advice quit cop and cap cartels and get money by robbing or doing runs. This just reiterates my point. What kind of department would rather throw their cops away rather than assist in the knowledge that they are lacking? Like I’ve heard people take their tests and then if they fail “sorry sir you’ve failed reapply in 1 week” and if you ask what you’ve gotten wrong “I can’t disclose that”. Lmao I miss the real cop @Plumber
  7. bump
  8. any1 else?
  9. anyone else?
  10. Sorry server 2
  11. https://gyazo.com/dbcb22b1d61e909a97d96b0064429ce4 https://gyazo.com/ea7f4d6b799d7bfff29a5855a30aefea https://gyazo.com/e0a1ceacb7ab4d8bc19388bd292a1513 Offers, 1 crater, spike strips + mx in it with donor police outift and vest
  12. Let me have my opinion going back at someone for their opinion is very bad, it is a bad look.
  13. I cant add any more reactions but know I hit the heart.
  14. she said she doesn’t like you
  15. ChrisGG is disliking everything I post along with his cronies in an attempt to bother me. HA jokes on them I like the color red!
  16. Fuck you she doesn’t have to eat chicken she’s perfect.
  17. try it and see what works big gay
  18. The APD some ass. Don’t even bother. you mess up once you get kicked by fat retard forum warriors who know nothing about real police and how to act and play as police. join a gang and do runs
  19. y’all should 1v1 for server ownership I’ll pay to watch @Peter Long
  20. Whattt
  21. get the ball rollin. 3 Mill
  22. Does anyone else love that sexy girl more than me? She is the pride of my existence. I love her. Add Ariana Grande stuff in the game now.
  23. Just play actual full screen and if not an option then find the correct FOV for windowed full screen. Also if that happens do Alt+Esc
  24. he creamed on your night vision goggles
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