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  1. Wichita will win the whole thing without a doubt
  2. All hail Lord Hades
  3. Wait a second, I'm still confused... the title is her ass ment... what did her ass mean and why did she get banned for expressing herself through her ass?
  4. BurBan? More like.... NooblordbaddieGang
  5. Thanks for the apology and gg. We'll use emergency text next time to get the message out more clearly.
  6. Well Thanks for the video, but the prior texts got pushed out of it... You have 2 in there but then its just us asking about why you ignored the others lol... oh well i'm not salty, I just wanted to know why Dick Danger had to die. RIP. Maybe it was lag, but I bet if you could look at older text messages then you would see all the others that you must have missed/not seen. but GG it was a fun fight and my condolences go out to Randy Magnum, brother of Dick Danger. EDIT: just thought i'd add, in the one warning message you CAN see in the video (from me), just noticed I said 'Final' warning suggesting that I had sent prior warnings. But it is what it is, not trying to get anyone in trouble.
  7. Don't recall insulting you, myself, all i did was ask you post a screen shot of your cell phone, because I know for a fact I sent 3-5 warning messages about a hostage and still endured constant fire/pursuit by your heli and the rest of the cops. I'd post a pic myself of the texts, but, as far as i know, i can only view messages received, not sent.
  8. Ghost face, why don't you post a screen shot of your cell phone and show how many warning texts I sent prior to the one snake sent at rebel.
  9. RIP hostage Dick Danger. Never Forget.
  10. +1 I wouldn't mind so much if they had to obey NLR. Or if there was a cap to how many cops there can be on at once, sometimes there are like 13 cops and I just think thats a bit too much. (my opinion)
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