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Tony Manarellos

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Everything posted by Tony Manarellos

  2. damn bruh, Imagine only thing you got is making fun of someone with a speech impediment sorry, that not everyone is born like you nfl hall of famer legit only declined one, but okay buddy.
  3. thanks brother, enjoying it right now just can't find the salt and vinegar chips
  4. bet a dude 20 bucks I'd make it till next month hahhaha
  5. now I'm a retarded olympus player who has there perma ban for ddosing did I make it boys? hahah
  6. Every time our eyes meet This feeling inside me Is almost more than I can take Baby, when you touch me I can feel how much you love me And it just blows me away I've never been this close to anyone or anything I can hear your thoughts, I can see your dreams
  7. Ol' Red he's the damnedest dog that I've ever seen Got a nose that can smell a two day trail He's a four legged tracking machine You can consider yourself mighty lucky To get past the gators and the quicksand beds But all these years that I've been here Ain't nobody got past Red And the warden sang Come on somebody Why don't you run Ol' Red's itchin' to have a little fun Get my lantern Get my gun Red'll have you treed before the mornin' comes
  8. leave my man deluxe alone you monitor spitting two faced whore
  9. look at my comp request than been up for over a day, por favor? 

    love tony.

  10. bruh, you still would all get clapped by like two kids with a mk18 on each side of you
  11. alright bud.
  12. are you brain dead? I used commas but okay.
  13. hey but the thread on you was my 10% not retarded ones, fuck you you made me sad no cap
  14. I mean 90% of my post, are me just being retarded cause why not kappa farming ez fat threads, but other than that, I meant apps, by applications lmao, oh and a + is the retarded replys, lmao.
  15. /shrug
  16. I mean, that's generally how I speak, can you respond to discord direct messages?
  17. omega
  18. ryan go back to replying to my things requesting a sr admin, and taking it as a admin. yikes.
  19. ah, usually I never put my computer to sleep. as I'm literally to fucking lazy. also, if you're going to shit talk or find my twitch, at least fucking leave a follow, ngl hurt my feelings when I didn't at least get a follow out of you guys
  20. whatever, mate. Its retarded a waste of time not everyone has a fucking ID but alright buddy.
  21. monakS, I mean why'd I lie I put 16 in app, my legit steam ids, are connected to 100s of apps of me being 16, like yikes bruh
  22. I mean, can still be balanced on by playing on civ, and to my knowledge apd gets a lotta fucking kills from my experience.
  23. chu mean, I speak like that normally I legit have a speech impediment, kinda fucked up for you to say that, I also just said 1995 never said it was mine, or etc. but whatever. nah, I'm just applying on my alt, gots like 10 arma accounts. Bruh how did you even manage to get admin? ngl, your a bit retarded said I was legit going to bed but okay. ^ I mean whatever, still don't have fucking cameras buddy but okay. Negative? I'm to retarded to talk in a third person, Tony says. will I get a 10,000 revive? nice kdr, didn't know APD recruited bots. that's the most brain dead thing I heard, its fucking arma buddy take a fucking logic pill and look around, no ones fucking going to be mature on a fucking arma server, let alone a unmodded one. I mean, imo It was sorta in a retarded way of me to say it, as Its legit on my forum ngl was me prolly being retarded, lmao and pretty sure said it only once and mad was mad, like yikes its arma buddy stop being a try hard what do you mean, i legit can't take the interview again they blacklisted me lmao.
  24. difference from sending some sweaty arma nerd my shit, vs giving a trust worthy indian my shit. ok
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