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Everything posted by FinnyNickel

  1. So far these replies are not disappointing, I honestly don't think there can be anything cooler at this point. video0-1438.mp4
  2. What is the coolest or like most interesting thing that you or someone you are close too has accomplished I'll start. My uncles was a semi famous weatherman in the Philadelphia area. Honestly just want to see if anyone responds and what kind of cool things you people got goin on. Just like learning about people lol.
  3. Can somebody please explain to me the wave rule for APD because I can't seem to find it in the rules. I just feel like it's impossible for a small gang like mine to beat the cops when they just respawn and come back within 20 seconds.
  4. Am I aloud to rob the pharmaceutical truck with tow hooks or no. Or if it's just not possible.
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