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Sir Mitch The Third

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Everything posted by Sir Mitch The Third

  1. Free this man’s @ Grandma Gary make him do some server community service, he can work at a gas station for 100hours for his freedom Actually I take it back just realised he’s French Canadian
  2. This is what happens went you enjoy the game not take it seriously @AEGIS @TEAMPLAYERS @NEMISIS #BringBackRolePlay BLOOPERS OP GAWK GAWK GAWK NBB ON TOP
  3. @ Milo who sold most meth this year either me Noiba or quazzy I think
  4. @ Wezio What did you allegedly do to get yourself banned this time
  5. @ Grandma Gary Just realised Saturday is the 21st lmao 21st it is
  6. @ Grandma Gary add me on disc ill show you sent friend req
  7. Ok so.... For anyone who is interested in seeing my fat ass shave my head bald for a Xian... I'm thinking the Saturday before Christmas 11pm GMT. That's Saturday the 22nd on discord. @ Ryan Ill start shaving when I see that beautiful Xian in my garage. Thanks guys, Merry Christmas all... Its going to be a cold one for me.
  8. AFK until the last bit btw... https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/jdePFZDzHgpZ1AHic?invite=cr-MSxzUjYsMTk1MTY0NDM5LA
  9. @ Ryan Ill check my work schedule and ill let you know a date and time for the stream, sound good?
  10. @ Ryan I can’t do my eyebrows as I have a job lol however ill do my head and beard and I will let @ Kodakk do it streamed on discord for the holidays
  11. If you give me a Y32 Xian I’ll shave my head bald live on discord @ Ryan
  12. @ Mr Miscellaneous You animal how could you!
  13. Hit me up
  14. Damn @ Noi you stopped playing because of him CRazyyyyyy
  15. From when I was like 12 13 I was watching altis life as a kid this was the only game I wanted to play, when I first started playing when I finally got a PC this was the server I joined, 5 years later at a solid age of 23 I didn’t see myself trying to suck the dick of the Olympus Jeff Bezos for 40mil not that I wouldn’t suck Jeff Bezos’s dick for 40mil IRL and don’t lie you would too, I think personally if you say you wouldn’t, you’re gay not me. It’s a lowkey flex.
  16. Came back last year after a 3 year break from losing it all at the casino safe to say I’ve lost it all at the casino again.
  17. #FreeFredosHouse Fuck APD puss ass
  18. Prime Real estate pm me with offer
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