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About Dienda

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  1. Sov’s ability to cry over situations she never could have possibly won in the first place never cease to amaze me
  2. the fact you posted this minutes after nbb robbed you of all your mushrooms is crazy lmao. talm bout some "I was alt tabbed" like your potato can handle multiple tasks at once
  3. Been here since 2019. 5 years went by way too fast.
  4. All transactions done through auction house.
  5. @ Farrel you bought my other 2c and tried to resale it for 1M more. THAT'S cringe lmao, hop off my meat
  6. Great view of Kavala main road from general store, nearly all the way to gunstore. https://gyazo.com/cf74af675794e81ba0108e37bc5d360e https://gyazo.com/4427364377af40b16001412835963799
  7. hm for the MX and type 115 tasers? drop your discord if you prefer
  8. 2C directly next to gun store in Kav listed on market 3.9M https://gyazo.com/60b4218a12bac07402bc9766ae6f54f0
  9. Dienda

    LTB Tasers

    LTB tasers of any caliber. Preferably MXs or Spars to buy in bulk or a few of any.
  10. Still have the promet?
  11. Is the weed 5C still available?
  12. Will post more specific details when I’m on but it’s one of the most southern houses of dp25 you can buy
  13. Bro, he literally said he’s not responding to your goofy ass anymore, why you dick riding? But aye I got the time rn. Essentially, like Skateezy already told you, the new players that Silla recruits have NOT had the experience that senior Silla already has had. That being said, yes some of the recruits that are new to the server or barely have any experience will be rob-hungry, or chasing to get their bounty up. You can’t expect them to have the same ideals as people who have been here longer, they’re still relatively new. Am I saying it’s a good thing? No, but I’m open minded and understand why it happens. The RDMing that occurs, literally just bring it to a higher up and they’ll receive disciplinary action. If that happened instead of salty ass nerds talking shit on the forums, maybe more would be done. Just some food for thought.
  14. He didn’t say that it “didn’t affect anything.” Stop putting words into peoples mouths and saying ignorant things just because you’re salty. He said he’s aware that it doesn’t have an affect on staff trust, if you actually take the time to read instead of making hateful comments. The reason he brought up the point in the first place is because the staff has Olympus’ best interests in mind. That being said, player retention is vital. It leads to donations which means more revenue being made from the server, and ultimately the server not dying and staying populated thus keeping everyone that plays entertained. Skateezy literally said it plain and out right. Silla recruiting new players helps retain the playerbase, and by them enjoying themselves in the gang it encourages them to donate and make the server money. When staff or others try to make a point that Silla is doing harm to the player base being retained, of course he’s going to mention the good that Silla does.
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