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Posts posted by Brandyn

  1. 36 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

    New gangs get the same treatment hence why no other groups really do federal events.

    That is not true. Majority of the feds are the same people CONSISTENTLY doing them and winning. I guarantee you little to no armor is used for new gangs doing feds.

    Also, its pretty much a guaranteed win for Civs to just take their fight to gangbase and have someone drop them 14 titans and missiles and they can just respawn there 30 seconds later and immediately start shooting missiles at incoming waves. The location of Gangbase is Busted and a easily defendable place to fight. Ground units can only push in from one way making our front glass clearly visible and by the time we can even reach the compound we will already be ripped. Once you guys finish off an entire wave of the APD Civ's can just respawn there quicker than the APD can respond due to us following Wave rule. 

    If anything needs to change its the location/respawn timer of gangbase. 

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  2. This does seem like a interesting idea. Who would have access to the "Combat Medic" position and is it something someone has to be promoted/appointed for?

    I like the idea but obviously every medic should not have a tazer.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Doren said:


    Legit had me waiting days to just speak to him.. Unprofessional as fuck


    Waited this time in teamspeak over 24hours waiting to just talk to him and not even show up when he said he would be on 12 and other staff said he would be on around 4-6pm seems like to me and other people this is something you do quite often? Not very professional and immature 

    Ended up servingthe entire ban for something that could've simply been talked with another admin or mod or Brandyn himself to clearup

    And the fact you're telling other staff that you're going to make someone wait is some shit a immature mofo does because he has power over someone, seems to me like you're riding a power wave and hope that crashes soon and you get humbled..

    I’m on not around in teamspeak you can always ask another staff member to message and notify me that you are waiting. Sometimes, if I know I’m not gonna be in teamspeak for a while you can get your ban dealt with someone else if you tell that staff member to ask me about it 

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    1. When engaging role-play, you must specify who you are engaging and give the player(s) time to react (at least 5 seconds). Do not immediately fire on the player(s).
      1. If someone reacts in a way that is compliant with your demand (Such as stopping their vehicle in order to get out) you must allow them to complete their reaction even if it takes longer than 5 seconds.
      2. If someone reacts in a non-compliant fashion with your demand (Such as turning to aim at you, or immediately taking evasive action) then you may shoot them before 5 seconds.
      3. You do not need the name of said player(s) to verbally engage but you must clearly show who you are trying to engage.
        1. Example: "Dude in the house, Hands up or die", "Ryan, Hands up or die", aiming at someone and saying "Hands up or die", etc.
    2. If a player abides by your demands, role-play it from there do not just shoot them.

    Engagement last 5 minutes. If you tell someone "Hands up or die" they must place their hands up and they need to be given 5 seconds to react and comply. However, like stated above, you can shoot someone before those 5 seconds if they react in a non-compliant fashion with your demand. Same goes towards you, if someone told you "Hands up or die" they need to give you 5 seconds to react but if its obvious that you are trying to run away or turn around and try to shoot him then the person can shoot you before those 5 seconds.

    If you have any other questions or concerns you can open up a "support ticket" on the Olympus discord and a support team member will respond and assist you. Or, you can join the Olympus TeamSpeak and join the "Join for Help" channel and a Support Team member will pull you and answer any question you may have. 

    Here is the link to the Olympus wiki if you want to know more about anything ingame:


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  4. On 11/10/2022 at 1:47 PM, JordanBeatCoivd said:

    Don’t see what cops are complaining about they fly around in Hurons looking for people to rob aka seizing good hard earned drugs they win almost every airdrop because they get there before anyone else does I don’t see the reason to complain honestly get better  cops are just getting out played it seems to me they give the same people higher up positions and keep it in a small circle it’s gay. Maybe give better players higher up positions instead of these piss ant s

    the reason why the cops get there so quick is because it spawns right next to them. The airdrop is a randomly spawned event. Sometimes we have to fly across the map in a helicopter to even get to the nearest garage to pull vehicles from. You have the same opportunity to get there as we do.

    Also, whoever is patrolling in a huron is straight trolling. its aids to land quickly and holds a shit ton of people. Not sure who you saw or how many cops you saw patrolling in a huron but who ever does this is trolling. I get it if they die multiple times and go back to said location to fight the group of rebels that's understandable.

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

    I mean, even if you wanted to do a BW, cops can just seize a ghosthawk 1 min after shots fired and get away with it xDDDDDDDDDDD

    I did not get away with it. Maybe if you took the time to read what was said you would see action was taken. I was dealt with the appropriate action seen by the Chief

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  6. 1 hour ago, Clash said:

    very bad idea because if theres only po's on they can only pull humming birds and would get shot out / titanedin like 10secs water events just don't work well in arma

    Yeah what clash said.

    Water combat in arma is just a no go. Buggy, cant shoot anyone under water unless you have a SDAR and cops cant really get on the boat if they are being sprayed at by LMGs

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