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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Odin

  1. Its cause we love you Snake... some serious... hardcore... brolove.
  2. Again...
  3. Funny how its TCA is somehow involved with trying to get a rise out of everyone....... again.
  4. I fail to see why everyone is being hostile toward Gerald. He is apologizing for previous actions and whether or not you believe the reason(s) he has provided, there is no reason for such things to be said. If you don't believe him, then say nothing, move on and keep your wary eye on him in-game. There is enough hostility in-game, don't bring it to the forums. Its pointless. Gerald, kudos for stepping up and apologizing to an entire community. Everyone else, be supportive or go away.
  5. No it was Poseidon, he was active in chat while updating the servers. Though in my opinion, the ban was deserved based on the language, insults and unnecessary bickering that was taking place over trivial things.
  6. Did you check your ticket and make sure there wasn't a response?
  7. Eh...
  8. Odin

    fairly new

    Welcome to the forums (and a belated welcome to the servers) Jeffrey!
  9. Odin


    Glad to see you on the forums Wiggles! Welcome to the giant disturbingly dysfunctional yet totally awesome family.
  10. Always perfect... always hilarious
  11. Hello my fellow Olympians! I'm Odin, been procrastinating on doing this but its far past time. I'm 25, live on the US west coast and mainly play as APD. Been floating around for a just over two months as APD and sometimes R&R and must say I love these servers and those who play.. even all the trolls. Trolls make life irritatingly fun. Most of the time on Server 2... no particular reason, I just decided that is my home now. Look forward to seeing everyone.. especially you criminals...
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  12. My main time killers now are 1. Arma 3 (Only for Altis and on Olympus) 2. Space Engineers (Debating on renting a dedicated server) 3. DayZ Mod (Rarely Overwatch, prefer Epoch) In that order.
  13. To elaborate and quote Hades from a different thread. Quoted from: http://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/index.php?/topic/739-question-regarding-rdm/
  14. Sniper noooo! Take care man, don't be a complete stranger.
  15. This is also what I use. Haven't had any issues and is semi-customizable as far as what goes on your screen (timestamps and sometimes what is playing from Pandora in my case).
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