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Everything posted by Tally

  1. Yeah, I can mos definetly see the point where having to learn a new language, and re-build everything from scratch being a quite heavy workload, then having to do that for free on your offtime as well, fook, I probably wouldnt.... That being said, Enfusion and Enscript is the future in ArmA, and SQF will be dead within 1-2 years, so even if the plan is not to build an entire framework from scratch it could be beneficial To dip our toes into it. If anyone is into the whole modding / scripting scene and is thinking about building some minor features feel free to hit me up! I did do a lot in A3, mostly AI but those days are soon gone and it could be fun to see what come next. From looking at the tools provided the posibilities and depth in enfusion just looks INSANE to say the least.
  2. So as every single ArmA fan from 12 to 52 knows, Arma reforger is out, and it is the forerunner to Arma 4. Arma 4 from my understanding will use the same language and engine as Reforger, so in theory porting anything you build for Reforger to ArmA 4 should be far less taxing than A3 scripts / mods. In that regard I am wondering if the Olympus Team is considering a Olympus Reforger server? Getting a head-start now as they say could be good, and be ready with almost everything needed for when A4 comes out. Going to A4 without the toxic hellhole that is Olympus seems kinda sad honestly, it would be like when ArmaHolic died. Anyway just a question, I'd love to hear everyones thoughts on this! GG
  3. True, it was hidden for a while but Zahzi took care of bidniss
  4. oof, yup you were right.... Oh they put it back up! nice
  5. Uploaded a video and a discord-bot, the post got deleted.... Why? Chapter 4: Forum Use We have an open forum for all players to use which can be found here Do not be disruptive or toxic Do not start "Flame Wars" Do not post things that will be hateful, racial, derogatory, sexual, ect on the forums Do not post player reports, ban appeals, comp claims, etc on the forums, we have a ticket system for them. You are welcome to ask question regarding these sort of things but do not directly implicate players in them. Each person is limited to one forum account Creating alternate forum accounts for the intent of down-voting, up-voting, toxic posting, etc is not allowed Which one was broken???
  6. He was the last one that vigied me (still salty about that lol!).
  7. No more changing your name or account switching when you misbehave! I got the EYE on you! Took a while to figure this thing out, but it is working allright at the moment (not crashing more than couple times a week lol). If anyone wants the source code, just DM me and I'll upload a copy to gitHub. here is a link to the bot itself: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=923548666717941811&permissions=311385238528&scope=bot Enjoy!
  8. BTW, LEa, does Oxy know about us yet?
  9. You can RDM me if u want, our mutual RDM on isght deal is still on
  10. Take the trannies with u while ur at it
  11. I am reporting this comment for hate-speech / racism / terrorism / non-inclusive language / bullying.... (You can't say stuff like that!!!!)
  12. So as most of us might have noticed the relentless horde of squeakers and transvestites carrying the -s- tag has pretty much disapeared..... Sooo whats next? We need a new mass-recruiting-rdming-big-Ego-toxic-kidney-stealing gang to take their place.... Someone fix this! Olympus is not the same without those shitters
  13. I support this cause hmu ingame. best regards [P] Tally
  14. LMAO! IED on the body lol!
  15. Nothing? ok... Is that salt I sense in your tone?
  16. I want to start with stating that I LOVE silla here's why. 1) Everyone hates them so whenever you shit on them everyone else applauds. 2) They mass-recruit and still accept war (Easy wp farming) 3) They are super predictable in their play-style (As I will explain in the guide below). 4) Some of them are actually cool. Don't get angry, get even. Here's how. 1) Join a gang that is at war with silla (No rdm rules, just shoot on sight). [P], 88, [noops], NT| are some of the gangs that have active wars with silla. 2) Interrupt their runs. Silla only does 2-3 runs regularly. Those would be: 1) Weed 2) Copper 3) Aluminium based on this information make yourself a patrol route and take a spin in the hatchback. All locations are fairly close to eachother. Make sure to not be too visible when you are scouting. When u finally come across one of the poor -s- Souls kill him and wait for the rescue squad that should show up within a few minutes. Once they do shoot them down with your titan and leave. You could also leave a explosive charge at weed pro and wait for them to drive in (makes for great fun!). 3) Blow up their houses and gangShed. Silla all have houses in the weed pro area, and that is the area where their gangshed is also located. Spend some time on the hill watch them while they are doing a weed run and you will be sure to locate all important houses. Keep those locations in mind and the next time you see them all logging on in force, blow all their shit up. 4) Camp with a titan launcher. Go to rebel and get a titan with 2 misiles, then sit down outside of kav and wait, they will be flying by soon enough and you can go boom boom, bye bye. 5) Get good. Go into editor and practise your aim. (Speed aiming and sniping). Realize that no one can shoot someone they cannot see (Be sneaky). Play some pvp pure ArmA3 combat (Picking peaches will not get your skill-level up). 5) If you just want to avoid them and grind, then just don't spawn in Kav, Altis is big, so big that there are other activities you can have fun with outside of the imediate kav area.
  17. On a parking lot with a group of friends. When I got back home we suddenly had Fox news going 24-7 (I was living in Norway, and no cable) I suppose it was some attempt at getting Nato populations more accepting of the coming wars....
  18. Nice to see its not all toxic, comp or ban on here
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