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The Gent

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Everything posted by The Gent

  1. No one's seen me with my MK-18...shall provide proof later in the week
  2. If you're ever up for a fuck around...Australian servers are the way to go. Doesn't seem to be much in the way of rules on them...lol
  3. It would be the same as shooting someone - RDM
  4. Don't have any issues with them. The only time they robbed me was retribution for something my gang did, so I didn't mind. Was pretty well done actually. Came out of the bushes as I started up the heli lol Can't recall the name - was the leader I believe.
  5. Awww, the Munski always knows what to say. Have a great one too, matey! I'll catch ya later on in January, brother for some A3/DayZ shenanigans.
  6. Not put very nicely, but it's true - I run Intel CPU and AMD GPU seamlessly. For Arma 3/DayZ (same engine) the most optimised CPU is always Intel, hands down. For basically any other game, AMD is considered more of a gaming CPU. The Arma engine is just a fickle bitch and is only fully optimised for Intel. With that said, I reckon the best advice you can get is to go to the BuildaPC Reddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/- and put your build up there with the correct tag - [build Help] in this case and they will not steer you wrong - there's some parts wizards on that page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: just saw the rest of your build and I'll just offer some advice in case you were unaware - If you have already bought the parts, just disregard the rest of this as there's nothing worse than second-guessing yourself! Your rig will run fine, I'm just offering a few money-saving/better value/better performance parts and techniques. 16GB RAM is great, but just make sure you get the fastest you're willing to fork out for and don't be concerned about brand for RAM - it really isn't important, the cheapest brand is fine. In my case, it was Patriot I believe. Also, as you probably know, you'll want to get 2x8GB cards rather than 1x 16GB cards and make sure to put them in the slot 1 and 3 or 2 and 4 for optimal performance - prevents bottlenecking, allows greater power. The OS SSD seems like overkill to me - do you really need all that space for an OS? If you're getting Windows 8.1 (my recommendation), then that takes up roughly 20GB. Also...I personally feel the brand you're using for that SSD...you might want to upgrade to a samsung EVO - those suckers are awesome. Just putting it out there, but you may get away with fitting it on the 1st SSD along with the games, freeing up some money for the GPU if you can afford the space with the games. Also, Seagate should be a cheaper HDD and I really used to expect them to fail all the time given how cheap they were, but they are damn good, never had an issue. If it's cheaper than the WD (which I have heard some bad things about failing from a pro builder) I'd highly recommend switching it out. Other than that, good luck and I hope it all goes smoothly for you, brother - take it easy.
  7. I run an AMD - r9 290 4gb which allows me to record at ultra settings Around the $400 mark when I got it, but may have gone down since AMD announced their newest GPU.
  8. Video evidence bruh. I've submitted about 10 addressed tickets.
  9. Some cops abuse the game mechanics by, for example, suicide restraining and respawning within metres of their death point if within HQ. Had a cop jump off the roof of Cocaine Processing after tasing to suicide restrain which I didn't feel was fair, but hey-ho. I don't think cops are OP per se, I just feel some rules need to be set in place to avoide abuse of game mechanics already designed to give more of an advantage..
  10. I was thinking it might be able to be implemented with vehicle upgrades tbh. You can sometimes escape with the hummingbird, I found the best trick to be to change direction and descend ASAP. Gettting below the treeline/buildings/ valley is ideal.
  11. I have avoided more than have hit me on KOTH - auto countermeasures and change your direction AS SOON as you hear a lock. It's piss-easy when you practise at it for not very long. I actually roleplayed as an air-taxi in King of the hill - calling out announcements, coming up with slogans "Mo-hawk, mo-fun" etc people started walking around other helis to get in mine as I was "Altis' Safest air taxi with an immaculate safety record"...despite the titans lol Serously man, when I'm back home after Newyears we can piss around on KOTH and I'll show you how easy it is to break the missile lock. You'd be all right in the Mohawk, Mr Munski - they have auto-countermeasures for titan locks as mentioned in the above post - I'll show you some ways of avoiding them with ease if they ever get brought back
  12. Haven't been around for a while - never met you in-game... but don't worry so much about what others are saying. Who gives a fuck? Keep on doing what you're doing man, donatefor yourself, donate for others, don't donate at all...whatever, just have fun and stay classy. Take it easy.
  13. He's a cutie - nice, fun vid - cheers!
  14. Still Altis, man. Just processors and such moved around.
  15. Oh that's great
  16. Aye, still going to be playing, but taking a break over the holidays - catch you all on here later, gents!
  17. That would make it fun for the cops...no one breaking the rules...
  18. I'll edit up a video at some point...was a roll-on from the video "A Man and his Taxi Part 1: Kidnapped". I'm the twin brother of Andrew Applepicker, he was killed by police procedural incompetence, got into the moonshine a bit, have debts to pay...the cop then went on to talk about how I can get into an AA program and get my GED. It was pretty awesome actually
  19. Wait, what's happened to the 10 min rule?
  20. This is a wholesome post about ham and the love of ham and ham related products.
  21. I don't understand the relevance, Bobey...
  22. Ahh, forgive me, I'm all giddy - getting the keys to my new house within the next few hours! XD
  23. ...full of ham - anyone else like to do this? I hang mine in my basement.
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