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    Boston, MA

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  1. good talk
  2. RIP #first
  3. Hit the windows key, type CMD right click command prompt and run it as administrator paste this in ftype txtfile=C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++ %1hit enter and enjoy
  4. Well what resolution are you recording at? You could bump down the quality of video that is being saved, that might give you a few frames back.
  5. You know what would be awesome? Rebind the Y menu to the Tilde Key then we could have stuff like this
  6. BurBan needs a new server now
  7. troll >.<
  8. If you want real help you need to give a little more information. Example: My Build CPU: Intel i7 4770k GPU: Nvidia GTX 780 Ti MoBo: Asus Maximus VI Hero RAM: 16GB Cant tell you much without the part numbers. also the resolution of your monitor is pretty important.
  9. I feel like my finger would slide up my butt if I tried back to front
  10. They're all shitters
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