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Everything posted by dandaniel

  1. I can't believe Olympus still has not done anything for the black community. In honor of black pride year we need some representation from the community starting with a St. Floyd spray paint. Also I a black man need reparation's from the Altis government, thinking 200 million will be sufficient. The APD NEEDS to be defunded and I have a 12 step plan in mind starting with Winters resigning and a black leader stepping in charge. Pls upvote if I speak for you. Forever in our hearts GF 5/25/20.
  2. lmao someone pm me
  3. at offroad, at jeep
  4. ^^^
  5. still have a bunch more msg me for deals
  6. msg me for deals
  7. still have more msg for deals
  8. for what
  9. 250k for MX 150K for Spar Give me an offer
  10. bob stein like the water mark
  11. 250k for mx 150k for spar
  12. Happens to me all the time. Also N-word at 00.44. Classy support members.
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