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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. I’m sorry but everything you post is shite, I literally thought you were a troll alt at the start
  2. If you care about your rep so much then stop posting so much shite to the forums You literally asked people to stop downvoting your post and you tell him not to get mad on the internet? it says no where in the rules that support team have to be nice to anyone on the forums as far as I see
  3. Downvote means people don’t agree or think what you’ve posted is stupid (normally) it’s not being rude it’s more of a review
  4. https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/25-gang-recruitments/
  5. They suck for armour but they’re fun
  6. You sure chief? I’ve never seen a ghost hawk listed for less that 20 mil
  7. Yes it’s a heli. It’s Bohemia’s Interpretation of the Chinook helicopter. The unarmed Version costs 1 mil and since you gotta do a blackwater to get an armed one which has 2 mini guns on it it’s worth a lot. The thing you seen sell for 2-3 mil was probably a shitty armed prowler.
  8. Probably a ghost hawk selling for 20 to 30 mil, do you even know what a Huron is?
  9. More like 15 lol
  10. Way out of your budget chief
  11. How the fuck did you get one to sell
  12. It was probs sold for 20 and he bet his way to 60 then lost it all, typical shit he does
  13. @xplayx14 don’t think a thread involving the loss of someone is the proper place to be like ooh I hate TLP they tried to backstab me. gives off some real edgy vibes ngl, just respect the guy for who he is, don’t bring up the shit his gang mates did
  14. Good
  15. Don’t take offence to what I typed I know how sensitive you zergs can be
  16. Oh dear hope it doesn’t escalate to the point where I get kicked out of the discord side note: fix the fucking channels can’t see message history of shit
  17. No clue who he is but I hope he rests easy. I send my condolences to his family. Poor kids shouldn’t have to go through shit like this.
  18. this gang sucks don’t apply ever thx for my personal safety, this is a joke btw
  19. I’m on everyone’s case
  20. You literally said in another topic the other day that you were new lol https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/36773-wts-pilot-covs-apers-tripwire-mine/
  21. Yeah no luck chief 1 craters are shit and don’t sell
  22. Also, FYI I consider joining a new gang as a hostile action, watch your back bitch
  23. Send a screenshot of the house
  24. What’s max virtual
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