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Blog Entries posted by djwolf

  1. djwolf
    We're now introducing Altis Highway Patrol (AHP). Several new variants of highway patrol textures have been added including a new uniform. R&R Quad Bikes and R&R Boats now have lights and sirens. Admins should now accidentally teleport a lot less. More Capture the Flag changes have been made that should hopefully result in fixes for some major issues with it. Deputy Chiefs of Police and above now have access to the MX-SW. Sergeants and above now have access to the Vigilante vest. R&R vehicles with the red theme now have the same style of lighting as the ambulance. A server hop / role switch cool-down has been added. You must now wait 5 minutes from the log off point to be able to switch roles and/or servers. Medics can now enter any vehicle to remove dead bodies. Any vehicle that supports animating doors, now opens when the vehicle is unlocked, and closes when locked. The Altis Market has been buffed. A new turtle dealer has been placed south of Kavala. Changes have been made to Pyrgos checkpoint. Kavala rebel boat shop has been fixed. Rebel outpost's towers can now take damage from explosive charges. More light added to APD's HQs. As a thank you to the community for helping us reach our donation goal, Hatchback Sports and Mohawk Helicopters have been unlocked for everyone.
  2. djwolf
    Update is coming out sometime later today, at that time all servers will go down for maintenance for ~30 mins.
    Added persistent house key system  You can give out permanent property keys by using the property menu with a player nearby  You can 'change the locks' of a property to clear the list of people who have a key  People with a key cannot spawn at the property  Crates can only be accessed if the house owner is online  Anyone with a key can unlock, access trunk, spawn vehicles, turn on the light, etc. Medic DP missions fixed, they can deliver to highway patrol and receive missions form all APD delivery places Medics receive an extra 7,500 for revives, this does not increase the cose of being revived. Cops receive a maximum of 200k for lethaling players, instead of the previous 25k Phone menu overhauled Fits nicely into the Y-Menu If you click on a message, and then click reply, it will take you directly to the UI to send that person a message back. Added a services menu Made the New Message pop-ups a little more custom to Olympus All Big towers have been removed Black market vendors added When a vehicle is pulled from garage it is locked sooner than it previously was Modified vehicle spawn code for persistent vehicles. Helicopters may spawn sideways less Stamina on the hud replaced with virtual carrying weight Medic vehicles can no longer be lockpicked Added a hotkey for opening the virtual inventory. Press 3 to open the virtual inventory. Intro Credits updated to include new Admins, Moderators, and our twitter page Added 30 extra Civ slots
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