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Everything posted by L3gend

  1. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/8dOEK_myi_GDR/d1337HZrz6dF?invite=cr-MSxCanYsMjMwMTU0Mzcs shouldn't you guys be code 3 when leaving hq coming back to a active situation?
  2. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/69630938/d1337XiS2Gzx?invite=cr-MSx0NmwsMjMwMTU0Mzcs
      • 1
      • Haha
  3. anyone else get happy when they open rosscos forum profile cody johnson a bop LMFAOOOO

    1. buckie


      Only you fanboy

  4. what yall think
  5. thought yall were supposed to value your life? out here doing zigzags and front flips dodging bullets tryna get revives off
  6. amen to that
  7. well ive been finding that people are abusing vigi and the fact that apd lacks role play most of the time i thought there might be some more requirements for it
  8. I feel like this could be utalized let me know what y’all think
  9. Definitely like this one and there should also be a police airdrop that contains police gear and a Corp+ should be able to call it in wherever I definitely would like this idea!
  10. ^ be more like rnr smh
  11. I think there should be a gang base layout but have it be a place where you can cap to have minimal money going into gang funds, move it more towards athira but it will give gangs a better place to fight besides warzone
  12. ill take them all
  13. ^^
  14. https://medal.tv/users/23015437?invite=ur-MSw1dUosMjMwMTU0Mzcs
  15. Omg if i won i swear to god im the luckiest man alive.. say less hahah lmao ggs .
  16. I Just wanted to make a suggestion. Why not add a evidence locker where all our illegal weapons are seized at a PD Evidence locker for about a week. The feeling of knowing your illegal guns are in hands of the cops make you feel some type of way. Why not retrieve them back this brings more pvp on both sides for both rebels and cops. When rebels plant a bomb on the "evidence locker" the pd will turn into a red zone for 400m out. This means that cops will be forced to re spawn at a different hq but no wave rule wil apply when doing this fed.
  17. Versus Recruitment Forum [Updated] [Server 2] [Experienced Players] About Us: Hello. If you are here, you are probably interested in joining Versus, so I’m going to tell you a little about us. Versus is a gang that likes to fight. We are constantly fighting cartels, doing Blackwaters, and federals. But fighting isn’t all we do. We do weekly runs as a gang to provide our members with money but we also have daily runs as well in smaller groups if you ever need some quick cash. We are a very welcoming gang that likes to fuck around and have a good time. Requirements* - Age: 16+ - Experience with cartels - Know and comply with all Olympus rules - Tactical communications and no aids - Financially stable - 450+ hours on Arma 3 - 150+ hours on Olympus servers Fill out the following. ↓Copy from here down↓ ——————————————————————— IGN: Age: Hours on Arma 3: Hours on Olympus: Steam 64 ID ( https://steamidfinder.com/ APD or R&R: Discord (EDP#0445): Best skill(s): Bank account: Previous gangs: Why you want to join Versus (25-100 Words): Anyone that can vouch for you: ——————————————————————— ↑Stop Copying↑ If you have any issues, feel free to message the individuals below. Versus | Blue Dream Versus | Purplehaze Versus | Stallone Versus | Scouta Copy this format and fill it out, if you don't use the format your application will be instantly Denied. If you are accepted, we will add you on Discord and continue the application. Thanks, Goodluck -Stallone
  18. hell yea someone that actually agrees
  19. Do you guys think that gang sheds should have a purchasable option for a heli pad? lemme know down below!
  20. I have this idea that a new drug should be added to both Olympus servers. By adding a new drug the environment would be spiced up and new players would be even more interested. A new drug introduced as an inhalant/gas.The drug would be nitrus oxide. When you process the nitrus oxide in turns in into a butane gas. This drug can be used for personal use such as inhaling but can also be sold for a high price. To gather you would use an oil type vehicle or a tempest device. I think that this would add a new aspect to the game and i think that many people can expand off of this idea so feel free to do so!
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