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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA YES SOVERIGN 07 I CANNOT LOSE It was 15mins in one morning ahahha, and never said anything about them ‘covering for me’ It cost them a group of deluded mongs who offer fuck all to the server
  2. You’re as bad as the conspiracy theorists on tiktok. Just a lot more retarded
  3. Why do you seriously think i like have all the staff in my back pocket. In an unbiased opinion, i don’t think you should’ve got the hawk. we are better players, in better positions with much more numbers. You were far too far away to even try anything, i was nice enough to let you try fight for it for 6mins but you obviously knew you never would’ve got it by fighting for it. I do not have staff bias. You say i’m in aegis or tp, i am in WOO BACK WEDNESDAY, for the final time you fucking mong. As i already said, i explained the situation truthfully to multiple staff members who all said it should be fine. Even my banning admin Marcus said he doesn’t think the ghawk should be used as comp. Finally, what should happen in a situation where the civs opposing the hawk with a titan is the hawk gets removed from me and not given anywhere else?? soverign, you are a retard who never would’ve been able to get near my ghosthawk. Cope
  4. The thing’ll end up blowing our backs out fam
  5. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HE WAS PLAYING ARMA 3 FOR 8 HOURS AHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH All of you degenerates need to take a break and touch some fucking grass, then you mightn’t be THIS upset at a frigging video game
  6. You did the right thing because i just alt f4 or store my cars when i hear that xx
  7. Ah yes i remember when you rdm body camped me. Lol
  8. I think we should go down the comp route, CTF send over the worth of however many gearsets you had on, along with the cost of a hummingbird and a titan with rockets please. Because me and my boy @ T o b y would’ve rocked your shit xxxxx
  9. Selling AT jeep message discord

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I messaged Discord but they had never heard of an AT jeep.

    2. CaloomClark


      You don’t have discord on speed dial

  10. Benson and hedges
  11. You’re literally copying what i posted. https://assets.ctfassets.net/m9n8o4ceoyuw/7xg6ycnQGw7tAEDIjc2IuX/69dcef4dd41fea4f7982553e11d74197/Mightybell-Copyright-Infringement-Form_2016.02.29.pdf P.S UFO’s fly every day, they can be anything from drones to balloons to RC planes etc…. People do not understand what a UFO is. It is an unidentified flying object, the media reports things in such a way that absolute munters like yourself will believe it all
  12. Please mean forms and not these forums
  13. @ T o b y @ FaXe Fancy a forums doxxing war?
  14. @ Grandma Gary i thought this was satire until this kid fully doxxed u
  15. Selling ghawk msg discord

  16. Groomed me on rust
  17. Scammed me for 40m last week. DO NOT TRUST
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