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  1. Buying DP 4 or Abdera houses. on server 2 Paying well. Let me know what you have!
  2. Selling my Kalithea server 2 house. 1500 storage. Message me offers! Great for mushroom processing!!
  3. I have one on market for 5.6 and it hasn't sold. Rather stick with 4m sorry man
  4. I'll give 4m for the house
  5. Looking for DP 4 house or abdera house. server 2
  6. Selling server 2 DP 25 small stone house and a Kalithea house(near frog processing!) 1500 storage each shoot me offers
  7. Looking to purchase an ABDERA / DP 4 house 3-4 crate. server 2
  8. Which server?
  10. Selling this server 1 3 crater 2200 maxed out storage Galati house. Ideal for meth runs! It's on the realtor for 5.6m
  11. Looking to buy a DP 5 / Abdera/ DP 3 meth house. Or any meth houses around that area. Message me Loc/Price!
  12. Lmk what you have and for what price. Looking for good server 2 houses to run illegal/legal shit. DP25/ Meth houses/ Good frog/mushroom etc.
  13. Looking to sell a DP 25/22/23 1500 storage house(s). Great for moonshine! Message/post offers. Don't really need to sell but for the right offer I'd let them go.
  14. Looking to buy a DP 25 server 2 house. lmk what you've got
  15. How much are you looking to get for it? PM
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